Self-Mastery of a Warrior

Continuing the reflections of our warrior, we arrive at the tipping point. After receiving a call from The Great Spirit, our pilgrim accepts the path laid before him. It is a path that, he will soon find, leads to that of a warrior.
Not knowing where it leads…he hopes to find what he most desires.  His false reality being all he knows, he will soon learn many paths to choose. With only one as The Way of truth, this path will be the only path leading to a brighter place of truth.
This path is wider then most but the entrance very narrow. A great warrior once declared, “narrow is the gate.” This gate is one of acceptance for all life forms. While many will see this as too broad of a way, the Warrior knows this is ‘The Way.’
On this path our pilgrim slowly begins molting, shedding flesh which has attached  to worldly beliefs, until all that remains is Spirit…the Spirit of a Warrior. Arriving in the Spirit of Warrior he only goes where needed, speaks when necessary, eats only which serves him well and releases attachment to object referral. Object referral meaning attachment to what others believe to be true. The Warrior comes to a place of self referral and only believes in what has been given to him by Spirit. As a great Warrior also declared, “be in this world but not of this world.”
Never forgetting where he started, the Warrior extends a welcome to all pilgrims whom seek the final truth…”We Are One.”
Stepping into the canvas he embraces the Pilgrim within and equally the Warrior that existed all the while. In every one of us lay a pilgrim whom aimlessly wanders in search of truth; and a Warrior who is waiting to command what we seek…that which is peace. Embracing both the Pilgrim and Warrior within we master the wholeness of our being , allowing co-creator to emerge while showing other Pilgrims The Way.

Step into the Canvas…reclaim what is already yours.

Taking the First Steps

The Warrior living in a new reality, was not always in the extraordinary. He once lived the ordinary and called Pilgrim. His life was as everyone else and he ate what everyone told him to eat. His church was a product of what everybody believed to be the ‘one true’ church and his government was the natural enemy. As a Pilgrim he essentially lived in a sorrow filled reality, believing in what everyone around him instructed. This was unsettling to him and he needed to find a new reality.

Where does the Pilgrim turn to, when the mainstream tells you how to live, who to associate with and what words to speak.? How does the Pilgrim cut the strings to his reality as a marionette? It is with the first step which proves to be the most difficult. An old Chinese proverb states:

The Journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

Knowing this, the Pilgrim must take a chance on what is burning within. There is a natural burning of desire within each and every one of us, but we fail to embrace our highest desires of being free to do what we want and live the life that we were meant. Without that first step, the Pilgrim would have remained in the Reality of a Pilgrim and never come to know that reality of a Warrior. It is time to take that first step…

…Step Into the Canvas.