Engaging with the engaged

Engaging with the engaged

Supporting words of wisdom foretold by everyday

Taken by Author on recent trip to Peru

Engaging with the engaged — supporting words of wisdom foretold by everyday — heroes penning truths hidden for centuries, only to be unearthed by subconscious mindless acts of sharing an inner intelligence. Time clicked forward-backward, recalling that moment the mountains stood before my gate.

Spinning of words reversal — loop pedal activated — prompting words to surface from depths of buried memories sacred telling of another day. Farther away — recorded traumatic fading of death’s door knocking — arriving at the author’s knowing time has stood still, thwarted forward at speeds of sound and never existed but in one’s mind.

My offering today, within this great Canvas of it all — deep contemplation, inviting another’s travel to the road less traveled. Inward gaze, acceptance of outer rings on Saturn’s rim — a heartfelt attempt at painting a brighter picture.

Where I stand — solid ground or space filled atmospheric looming of shadowy doubts — dancing with inspiration, sharing a hand of another — inspired to sing and dance till the end of days. Called antecedently by the ancients hiding in cavernous ways — stepping into the canvas with a mountain in my gaze.

~ Ani Po

Much gratitude to Zay Pareltheon, Viraji Ogodapola and all those who visit the Howling Owl.

Much gratitude for those who take time to read, ponder, and allow the inner workings of self to come forward. Grateful for the feedback, love shared, and, more importantly, the Dance with Inspiration. Deep Peace.

Joseph Lieungh

Photo by Javardh on Unsplash

The Flow of Canvas

Enter the familiar

Comfortable and similar

Day in

Day out

People passersby arguing with another

At work never really on level of the next

The Heart burns

We act without thought

Offended another

Heart means well

Ground is familiar

Yet feels foreign to the touch


Burning desire

Dare to let go

Swept away by the sounds of eternal healing

We flow

We go

To places nobody knows


There is a calling

Heart tuning in

Sit with these chords

Translated by soul sensory knowingness

Mind, Body, Spirit

All in harmony as we go

Lost or wandering in awe

This is the Flow of Canvas.

~Ani Po