Heart Transplanted

Heart Transplanted

Beating with Greater Purpose

AI generated Pic by CGDream

This flesh is confined to limited thought — head-mind chiming in with a twisted view of worldly possessions and cyclical patterned behavior — after generational pulls on past traumatic endeavors. There is a knowing of something greater — heightened experiences glimpse into future realities while budding pings in scapular blades cutting through.

Angelic presence, always and in all ways, standing beside you during the buckled knees, paralyzing falls and the joyous of springing forth energetic expanding wholeness of all there is. Fluttering wings phantom-like feelings in the backside of reality — stepping forward in assuring potentiality.

Whose words are these? Mine? Uncertainty remains in mysterious knowing.

Metatron was channeling through — as before when simple humans step out of the way — matters not but allowance of being who we are meant to be. From dust to flesh — tainted thoughts to the purification of loves embracing wings — Arcadia returns in ever-present knowing — we are right where we ought to be.

Well done — passing through the valley of death — hourglass turning a new time present are we — forward in tightrope fashion of carrying a balance with dark and light in each hand. Winds abound — catching headwinds song carrying true — hovering in deeper observation of self and collective aggregate.

Only human — thoughts running away — in the mirror remains a divine being molded by clay and stardust breath of life. Nodding in perfect harmony — battlefields of mindless acts, the warmth of heaven’s kiss — dreaming of a new world, tell me true.

Dragon calls — clawing out a cold and hardened muscle, no longer beating a natural vibratory song. Transplanted heart of dragon — beating with greater intensity and singing songs from light-beings — star-people — healing self and others alike.

~ Ani Po

Much gratitude for those who take time to read, ponder, and allow the inner workings of self to come forward. Grateful for the feedback, love shared, and more importantly, the Dance with Inspiration. Deep Peace.

Joseph Lieungh

Photo by Javardh on Unsplash

Breath-Releasing Transmuted Thought

Breath-Releasing Transmuted Thought

from disbelief to faith-altering cosmic waves of anticipation

Photo by Charlotte Austad on Unsplash

Gone are the processed and regurgitating thoughts — erasing words, tracing steps, or recounting the falling stars. Challenged to remove all conflict — passing by missed water adventures — sinking of one’s ship.

Sitting quietly on clouded days — painting blanketing sky vibrantly with a purpled sun — golden bright daffodils smiling in affirmation. The storm continues — we are — a tornadic eye at the center of its wings.


Photo by NASA on Unsplash

Mongolian warriors appear in full dressed — carrying away any remains. Dragon’s breath — continued burning of evaporating thought — dust shalt only remain.

Carried with a magnetic draw — iron ore fragmented slivers dangling from life’s pocketed exchange. Fire in the belly — stirring once again — bursting into a wildfire of cleansing song.


Photo by Adam Wilson on Unsplash

Collapse at the foot of the maple tree — singing — writing a new day into a brighter existence. Shrouded by disbelief — transmuting vibrational altering tunes — harmonic-like focus — fine-tuning of the vocals healing through.

It is done — breath-releasing transmuted thoughts — from disbelief to faith-altering cosmic waves of anticipation — excitation of coming chapters. Water definitely not included — land lover walking through the valley — wishful good tidings to all the sea fishes.

Call to the sea — gathering all the drowning thoughts — tidepools — waves — watered down tornadic eye fleeting black hole into The Great Sea of Canvas’ amass. It is done — release.

~ Ani Po

Much gratitude for those who take time to read, ponder, and allow the inner workings of self to come forward. Grateful for the feedback, love shared, and, more importantly, the Dance with Inspiration. Deep Peace.

Joseph Lieungh

Photo by Javardh on Unsplash