Waiting for a Miracle

Today I witnessed a miracle! How many can say that? It would be false to say that we do not see miracles happen each day: feet we walk on, air we breathe, voice we speak with, and ears we listen to yet even more miracles of His perfection. These are obvious and often taken for granted. In the interest of wanting more proof of miracles happening each day, we shall open our eyes a bit further to witness just that.

To witness these miracles we have to actively pursue them: to see the miracle of breath one must center themselves on their breathing and embrace the mystery of its existence, to witness the miracle of walking one must observe themselves as one who can walk, etc. It takes an active participating role on our parts, but also requires a hint of gratitude. Being grateful for what is given to us, only provides more abundance into our lives. A poor man can be the richest of all by seeing the miracle of life and holding gratitude for all it presents, while the richest of man can be the poorest of all by failing to see the gifts presented to him.

Well today I witnessed a more obvious miracle. Yesterday a gentleman started Radiation Treatments, whom was 2-3 weeks status post craniotomy for the removal of a tumor. His prognosis was grim and his team began giving up on him. When we went to get him he was sitting up, but they told us to get a cart as he was getting weaker as the days pass. With the look of a broken spirit, he agreed to come down for treatment and seeing that he was already in a chair we kept him in the chair.

We explained to him (let’s call him Bob) the procedure for treating his brain with Radiation and we explained to him how we were going to get him on and off the treatment table. Suffering from hemi-paresis his whole right side was not functioning normal, leaving him unable to use his right arm or his right foot. Outweighing me by 50 pounds I knew I was also in for a workout. Before we began I told him a story of a friend of mine, David Dubats of Second Step Inc., whom teaches people how to walk once again through neuroplasticity training. If you want to learn more about David’s work, please go to:  http://www.secondstepinc.com

Bob’s eyes lit brightly when I told him of this possibility. With reaction of excitement and purpose, to David’s story, I explained to him that it was up to him from this day forward and further reminded him, as so often we forget, that he had a senior partner with him at all times that he could call on 24/7. I told him to start praying…and that is just what he did.

The next day Bob could not wait to show me his progress. With a smile on his face from ear to ear, he began to raise his arm over his head as he spoke, “I though about what you said and I didn’t go to sleep last night. I was afraid I wasn’t going to be able to move after HE gave me strength to move my arm. He answered my prayer!”

With tears in my eyes, we embraced and Praised God for this miracle.

Neuroplasticity is the concept of re-wiring the brain to function as we think it to be. In biblical terms, “as a man thinketh, so is he.” It can also be paralleled with the Law of Attraction, “If you can see it and feel it, then so shall it be.”

After Bob’s second treatment he whispered to me, “Thank you for teaching me how to ask. I asked big and God Delivered. Praise His holy name Brother.” I humbly replied, “Thank you Bob for being such a wise teacher. Praise God!”

As you Step Into the Canvas today, take note of the many miracles of life, but then be ready to receive larger ones. Ask and it shall be given unto you.

Authentic Me

It is time to shed the false-self and accept the true-self. In this clip we touch upon the idea of attracting more of what we want in our lives, guided by Michael Beckwith, Esther Hicks and Rhonda Byrne. When we are authentic we are connected with source energy or we are connected with God. Abraham was the first to know about this Law and spoke these words, “As a man thinketh, so is he.”


We are surrounded with so many distractions in our lives, further pulling us away from the intimate relationship with our Father of all Fathers, Source energy, God, Universe or as Jesus spoke of…The Way. He spoke of being the light and The Way.  There is no word for this Source of Sources, but we choose to refer to it as God. What if God was The Way? What if the ancient Chinese knew of this technology hence writing about it in the Tao de Ching (Lao Tzu)? What if Jesus studied under the Far East and mastered The Way?

Whatever the case, we still are left with a choice of who we are. We can choose to be stuck in an abusive relationship or we can choose to change our circumstance: either by leaving or changing the way we see our given circumstance. If there is physical or mental abuse, chances are the risks outweigh the results and it may be necessary to leave the given relationship.

We can choose to live in poverty thinking or we can choose prosperity thinking. Poverty thinking believes that everyone is against them, everyone owes them something or that they will never amount to anything, continuously coveting another person’s  life. Prosperity thinking is that of self-actualized and are free to create the life appropriately, having no regrets in their lives.

So what do we do? How do we get there? See it as if we’re already there and that abundance is already on its way.  First, we must have Acceptance of who we are. We need to see ourselves as a spark of the divine. It is said that God does not make junk, then why would we think we were anything other than a masterpiece? Secondly we must have gratitude for whom we have become, accepting (more acceptance) all of the ups and downs leading to present time. Without pitfalls, we could not have become who we are today. Thirdly, we must learn to Love the person staring back in the mirror. Once we embrace this trifecta, we can learn to see the world as a better place. People write about this place, they sing about it and it is attainable by all.

The world is filed with many distractions, good and bad, focus on our lives only. Care not about the people around us, but only about the personal world being co-created. Learn to Love yourself from head to toe and learn to reflect out into the world. When we embrace ourselves, we are embracing the world around us. Further, we are embracing our Source and completing the intimate relationship religious traditions attempt to teach. This relationship cannot be taught, but instead accepted.

With self-love comes a realization we are not perfect and sinners by nature. Accepting ourselves for who we are, perfect or imperfect, allows us to accept others perfections or imperfections. Just because we are human does not mean we have to dwell in this belief. Instead accept it and move on, focusing only on the life we want to create and releasing the Shadow of its stronghold.

It is time to accept the True authentic self and reclaim who we were born to be. We were born for greatness and not poverty. See it, believe it and know it to be true.

May the first breath and last breath be that which you want most, leaving  self-defeating thoughts behind. You are truly a Masterpiece and deserve to be on display! Humbly go forth and prosper, never looking back.

Bottom line is this…we have the ability to change our lives through our thoughts. Whatever is sought, know that it is on its way. From this day forward, Stepping into the Canvas, I vow to be my authentic self and be…ME.