The Quarterback

I am the Quarterback of a great team;

creating magic up and down the field.

I am the play-maker and do it with ease;

calling plays and putting them to action.


I am the captain of this team;

proud to say that I am not perfect.

For I make plays both good and bad;

Occasionally a turnover or two.

Whether I am up or down,

Down and out,

Stand strong.


My front line may not hold the defensive tackle;

My center may drop the ball.

None of that matters,

For I am the Quarterback of this team.

I am the one who raises hope of winning the big game,

And cannot afford to get angry or sad.

Win or lose, I must know that I did my best;

My best in showing others how to enjoy the game.


Is it better to scream and holler at the team;

Or praise them and encourage them?

It is fourth and ten, with fifteen seconds remaining.

We are down by six, and an opportunity to score;

I could give up and give into the beatings endured.

For it is seventy yards to the finish line and I cannot give up.

This game throws me everything it has;

calling an audible.


I can choose to give up or fight on;

I choose the latter of the two.

For I am the quarterback and cannot afford to take a knee.

Out of the Wilderness

Into the forest the warrior flees,
Out of the desert he is freed.
The wind conspires,
The sun shines higher.
Like the due of the morning,
He enters afternoon in glee.
Throughout the days,
Helping those in need.

One hand, two,
Three and you.

No regrets,
No returns.
Only truth,
Remains to be seen.

From flesh,
To Spirit.
Only wholeness,
Remains to be seen.