Baby Steps Forward

Stepping into the Canvas, the Warrior finds herself on familiar ground. Though scenery is different and the path is not as clear, She smiles knowing that all will be good. In the face of adversity a new opportunity is born. In the same setting the Pilgrim loses his way in fear of what lay before him.

Do you have a situation that you see as holding you back? What is holding you back from making the necessary changes? Are you more like the Warrior that smiles in the face of adversity or the Pilgrim who shutters at the mere thought of moving forward?

The solution to any problem is merely taking the first step towards that which you most desire. Let go of the self-defeating thoughts of what you do not want in your life, but focus everything you have on what you want most. This thought should be your first thought of the day, after giving thanks for that first breath, and it should be the last thought before retiring for the  day. It is the first step that is most difficult, but it is the steps that follow that keep the momentum. Those baby steps just got bigger!

Stepping into the Canvas, I embrace that which I most desire and let go of any self-defeating thoughts which may keep me from achieving my goals.

This is the Day

In the morning of my life this song would sing to my soul, “This is the Day the Lord has Made. Let us rejoice and be Glad in it.” I would get a flush feeling every time I sang it, from my head to my feet. Now in the afternoon of my life, I attribute that to the Holy Spirit singing through me. Have you ever had a time when you just felt “good” all over? I mean really good. From your head to your feet, with a warm tingling over your skin and a knowing that ‘Life is Good.’ What is this feeling? For me, whenever I am right on time I feel it as God’s way of saying ‘You are on the right Track’ my son.

On this special day I reflect on the morning of my life, embracing the afternoon of my life. Without the morning, there would be no afternoon. I am grateful for both parts of my day…thank you! As I enter the afternoon of my life, this song takes on an even greater meaning. For today, “This is the Day the Lord has made, I will rejoice and be Glad.”

Thank you for reading and sharing your reflections   morning and afternoons of your life.

Much Love and may you know Peace Profound…Joseph