Ready For Battle

Looking from above; at the darkened sea.

Saddened by loss of a Brother Fish; sharks preying on innocent crustaceans.

Spear in hand, head held high; Preparing for battle.

Strength nor wit hath struck them down; Thunderous words casting out nets.

Seek further knowledge of truth that lay within.

Existence; Merely forgotten.

Known truth for all my soul; Born to flesh hasten forget.

Open my Eyes.

Open my Ears.

Mainly open, my Heart to all the souls.

Out of the Wilderness

Into the forest the warrior flees,
Out of the desert he is freed.
The wind conspires,
The sun shines higher.
Like the due of the morning,
He enters afternoon in glee.
Throughout the days,
Helping those in need.

One hand, two,
Three and you.

No regrets,
No returns.
Only truth,
Remains to be seen.

From flesh,
To Spirit.
Only wholeness,
Remains to be seen.