Living By Faith

There are those who know and those who don’t, either way they share a common denominator…Faith. We can knowingly move forward and unknowingly move forward ultimately arriving on time. The key to arriving is faith.

Faith is the knowing that everything will work out, in your favor, even when the current situation does not dictate as so. When everyone gives up, the believers press on. When we activate our faith we essentially are tapping into a universal law of attraction.

As a man thinketh, so is He.~Abraham

If a person continues to have thoughts “I am too busy,” “I cannot do that,”We are never going to make it,” or “my life is going nowhere,” than the basic laws will assuredly grant the persons wish. If, however the person knows that everything will occur or arrive exactly as it is intended, filling this persons life with more abundance…then it shall equally be so.

We now return to Ani Po, as she witnesses the Warrior and Pilgrim living by faith (Note: this story is based on true events):

One day Ani Po was driving with her friend Mamani, when her friend noticed the gas gauge was lit and needle on empty. Alarmed she expressed her concern to Ani Po. While Ani Po was not worried, Mamani began to get anxious. Ani Po told her about a similar situation and how everything turned out in her favor…

Ani Po: I was driving a Holy Man to a destination about two to three hours away. He was to giving a sermon to a congregation. Offering to drive him, we were on our way. Only thirty minutes into the drive I noticed the gas ’empty’ gauge light come on and the needle was indeed on empty.

To not raise alarm, keeping it to myself and hoping to find a filling station soon. At this time, thoughts of determination filled my being and somehow knew we would arrive safely and on time.

Even though I had thoughts of arriving on time, I informed my passenger…

“Father, I just want to let you know that we are on empty and have been for some time.”

To which he replied: “Are you worried?”

“No, something is telling me we are going to make it.”

“Then I am not worried. The Lord will get us there safely and I can feel your faith is strong.”

They arrived safely and on time. In pure joy and amazement, slight disbelief, Ani Po gave thanks to that which needs no label, “Thank you For showing me The Way.” Ani Po saw firsthand the power of faith as she wholeheartedly believed she would arrive exactly when they were intended to…thankfully it was the time her passenger was expected to arrive.

During the ceremony, Ani Po whispered to parishioners, “Do you have any gas I could use to get me to a filling station?” After numerous replies someone alerted Ani po, “there is a filling station just a half of a block away.”

Ani Po: “still not sure I will make it as we just drove two and half hours on fumes all the while the gas ’empty’ light was on.”

Still with no luck finding gas from a parishioner, she starts her truck and drives to the filling station with no troubles. She could have merely walked to the filling station, but instead she knew that her truck would start yet again and arrive on time. After arriving safely, filling up her tank, getting in and driving her friend home to the monastery, they both agreed they had witnessed a miracle.

As Ani Po finished telling her story, Mamani interrupts, “that’s great, but I do not think we are going to make it.”

Just then the engine stopped and they were stranded without gas. While Mamani released her anger, Ani Po just smiled, knowing that in a moment they would be rescued. While the Warrior (Ani Po) remains calm during adversity, the Pilgrim (Mamani) loses hope, feeling lost once again. Ani Po reached over and laid her hand upon her friends, “Mamani it is going to be ok. Help will arrive for us very soon.” Timely, a stranger taps on the window asking if they needed gas.

So what is the difference in these situations? What happened differently between Ani Po and Mamani? Was it coincidence or a miracle? Could it have happened differently? All of these questions remain unanswered, but Ani Po knows better as she lives purely by faith. In doing so, She arrives exactly when she is intended to…no longer giving her reason to doubt The Way.

Ani Po’s situation was extreme and can be disputed, but still remains unexplained. Her and her passenger drove on empty for two and half hours, purely on faith. With this lesson in her back pocket, she understands the meaning of faith…lending more hope that All is Good.

Living by faith, we find hope;

Through hope, we find Love;

Finding Love;

We find The Way.

~Ani Po

Stepping into the Canvas purely by faith. In faith we see hope painted on the horizon, walking towards it we find Love. Even during times of adversity, it is the Warrior who asserts, “even though my current situation looks bleak, I know that it will end in a silver-lining, painting The Canvas as I see it.”

A Tale of Two Men

This is a short story about two men with varying viewpoints on life. While neither is wrong, only one of them finds happiness…


One day a man decided it was time to venture out into the world and see what else the universe had to offer. Not feeling content with his current residency, he hoped to find better accommodations.

Approaching a nearby village, he meets an elder of the village.

“Excuse me sir!”

“Yes.” The elder replies.

“My name is Julio and interested in potentially relocating to your town. Can you tell me a bit about your town?”

The elder asks,”what are you looking for?”

The man replies, “well, I am looking for a place that will bring me happiness and gives me a sense of purpose.”

Elder replies, “why don’t you tell me a bit about where you are from.”

Interrupting the elder, “what kind of people live here. I mean, are they happy?”

Elder replies, “what kind of people live in your village?”

“oh, they are the meanest, nastiest people who I have known and that is why I am looking to move somewhere more pleasant.”

The elder sadly, “I am sorry to report, but the people who live here sound just like wherever you came.”

To his dismay, the man left and never returned.


Oddly enough, another gentleman arrives at the village and greets the same elder.

“Good day to you sir.”

The elder replies, “It is a fine day in deed.”

“could you tell me what kind of people live in this town? I am considering relocating from my current place of residency.”

The elder smiles, as if it was very familiar in conversation, “why don’t you tell me about the people the live in your current village.”

“oh, well they are nicest people I have ever known. It will be sad to move, but I am looking for a change of scenery and looking to live somewhere similar to my home.”

The elder smiles brighter, “you are in luck, as it sounds like the same types of people we have here.”

The man wasted no time, packed up his things and moved to the nearby village.


While one man remained lost as a pilgrim, searching for something outside of his boundaries in hopes of finding happiness, the other was as sure as the Warrior…accepting happiness wherever he goes. One mans viewpoint was of misery, while the other found a silver-lining in every cloud. One man continues searching for peace and happiness, while the other merely chooses it.

Stepping into the Canvas with a new attitude…One of happiness, seeing all as good. Even in times of suffering it is possible to find good…we just have to look a little harder. Do you see people as irritating or judgmental? Or do you see them Friendly, caring human beings? Whichever you choose, it is merely reflecting the mirror you carry…


Original story told by Wayne Dyer, shortened for this blog.