Sword of Truth

When we last heard from our Warrior friend he was just beginning his self-discovery. Still not knowing what is to come he faithfully moves along the path laid before him without any working tools. Wondering what tools necessary, he begins dialogue with his Father above.

Never having dialogue with his Father before, he stumbled on his own words until finally asking for proper tools to be shown. While wandering the path, he discovers a broken handle of what appears to be an ancient sword. When he pulled the broken handle from the dirt it was in fact whole. Our Warrior wiped the sword clear of dirt and “Truth” lay inscribed on the sides of the sword. Looking to the heavens, “Is this a sign for me? Am I to take this?”

As he tightens his grip on the sword, accepting the possibility of being handed the “sword of truth” by the almighty, a beast appears from the dust and threatens attack. Instinctively our Warrior thrusts the sword into the beast killing him instantly and returning him to dust.

Witnessing this event an old hermit appears admiring his sword, “a sword like that is kept concealed for it is sought after by many.” As our Warrior heard the last words of the old hermit, he vanished.

In life we may wander our entire lives until we choose life authentic. For many  blessed to find self-mastery, there are many who will not find this self-discovery or the possibility of being born for greatness. We are all born for greatness and life is here for the taking. Not always knowing where we are going, we look to God above for Guidance.

The answers or directions are not always cut and dry, as our warrior found out. He asked for an answer of whether the “Sword of Truth” was for the taking and instantly a beast appeared forcing him to slay the beast. His answer was not direct but assuredly the sword intended for his hands.

Have you ever noticed the many coincidences in life? Just as our warrior will soon find out, we too will understand there are never coincidences only synchronised events. The Sword of Truth becomes our  impeccable words, speaking truthfully at all times. Our old hermit reminds us, “our gifts are to stay as gifts, sharing them with all Pilgrims In search of truth.” This gift in particular is one of great value and kept safely, as many will attempt to rob us of our gifts but ultimately shared with all.

Stepping into the Canvas with Sword of Truth in hand, speaking only of Love and truth. The softer our warriors words, the mightier the roar. Truth will often times be as sharp as our warriors sword piercing the most ferocious beast, leaving them to die. We mustn’t worry about the words chosen, but always speak the truth…for the truth shall set us free.

Children of the Revolution

Today marks the sixth anniversary of our Warrior friend. He sits reflecting on this special day, as it was the day he finally awoke from eternal sleep. He had slept for thirty-four years but finally awoke to truth; allowing him to move freely, creating the life he was meant to be.
We all dream of what our lives could be, but are afraid to step out of the ordinary. The Warrior often asks passers-by, “how is the rest of the world treating you?” as in most instances, the response is the same…”dreams of getting out of a stuck relationship, making more money or living a life of happiness.”
We are victims of a great trap. The trap we all fall into is listening to what our leaders tell us to do: our political leaders tell us of rules that benefit the majority. While a few find loopholes in the system and capitalize on the flaws, the government discovers its own weaknesses and establishes new rules Benefiting the majority. The same governing body establishes a healthcare system and informs us of our illnesses, furthering explaining we cannot survive without their healthcare system.

Our church leaders, while no longer sleeping with political leaders as in the days of old, developed rules established by the governing bodies which were the church: religious leaders and political leaders. The Church as we know it today, was developed by a ruler whom wanted more taxation in the community. While the uproar spread amongst the community, the ruler developed a religious body that would allow people to pray that things would one day get better, while giving more money to the church body which funneled back to the ruler and gave them false hope. Little did they know that the only true church was within and the keys to heaven were already available. Many masters have descended upon earth to give ‘the people’ hope, only to be crucified for spreading truth.

Sad but true the governing bodies upon this earth do not want us to know who we really are. What they do not want us to know is that the Divine resides within us and always has. We have the ability to create things out of single thoughts, including our own healing process. If we are created in the likeness of our creator, then do we not have the ability to create a more homeostatic life. As within, so without. The world around us is merely a creation of our own conditioned thoughts. If we are suppressed on an individual level, then whole continents are suppressed. By establishing a governing body, we control the majority.

The Warrior gratefully sends thank you letters to all leaders of power, thanking them for the many lessons provided. Further informing them that a revolution is about to begin and their dictatorships will no longer be tolerated. The dictatorships of the government…gone; dictatorships of the religious body…gone; dictatorships of healthcare foundation…gone. Their will be children who rise up against these machines and will begin a revolution of Love, Light and Life. They will be known as “Children of the Revolution.” The Warrior smiles for he has seen the future and it just got brighter, as the new renaissance begins.

Today the Warrior Steps into the Canvas with a brighter glimpse of what is to come. The days of suffering have dissolved and the days of hope are upon us: No longer do we have to pray for hope, it shall be so; No longer do we have to pray for happiness, it shall be so; No longer do we have to pray for peace, for it is already here.

Step into the Canvas with a new view of the world…See peace as already arrived. Love within, so without. A new day has come for Warriors across the globe to unite in a Brotherhood of Peace.