Orgasm of Life

Have you ever had one of those days when things just don’t go as planned? Have you ever had a day where you wanted to crawl back into bed? If you are normal, this happens often. The misery experienced with our difficult situations cannot define us, but how we react to the situation is our defining moment. Misery loves company but not always the proper conflict resolution.

When met with a difficult situation or trying day, we can easily band-aid the situation by calling a friend and venting. While on the forefront this sounds like a good idea, we really did not get to the heart of the problem. We band-aid the current situation only to have it surface once more. In the eastern traditions, we refer to this as Karmic Law. The Laws of Karma state that what we put out into the Universe, we attract back into our lives. It is the theory of cause and effect. If we harm another person, we are sure to attract harm to ourselves. This is like The Law of Attraction. “As a man thinketh so is he.”

Both discuss laws of attraction, but law of karma deals directly with life lessons. If we are here to learn lessons of life, then by failing the lesson it will invariably repeat itself. So…if today you are experiencing a difficult situation it would be helpful to be in the present moment, learning from the lesson at hand. If not, it will surely return until you do.

“This day could not get any worse…I need a drink.” While at first it feels good, eventually we go to far, regretting the day afterwards. Alcohol may improve how we feel for that moment, but eventually we feel miserable as if we failed. It is better to cope while sober…keeping things honest. Exercise a careful tongue, as the first line could open ourselves up to more pain. Just the mere suggestion of it being worse can open the door wider to misery. Can the day get worse? Actually it could. Can it get better? The same answer. Which ever path we choose is up to us.

While the pilgrim reverts back to ideas of flesh, the comfort is short-lived. Drinking and venting are concepts flesh has created to appease the ego mind. The Warrior stands firmly in spirit, allowing the solutions to ebb and flow as quickly as the dilemma.

While the pilgrim relies on pleasure of the flesh…

the Orgasm of Life lasts a second.

The Warrior basks “In Spirit”…

enjoying an Orgasm of Life lasting an eternity.


Stepping into the Canvas with open hands. Holding onto ‘Nothing’ we are free to accept any abundance that comes our way. If our hands are full, we cannot possibly receive anything else than that which we are clinging to. Letting go of all possibilities, we attract endless possibilities.