Coming Together is a Beginning

Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success.~Henry Ford

In the Canvas of Life, there are many varying colors added daily. The key to our own masterpiece is accepting the paints within the Canvas. Coming together, complementing one another…this is the Master Recipe for a beautiful Canvas…

coming together is a beginning



Two Sides To Every Coin

Have you ever heard the phrase…there are two side to every coin? Chances are pretty high that you have. Unless you have a double-sided coin, you will see there are usually a head and tails. Just as in life, there is always two choices in any given situations…we can choose to see the tails side of things or we can see the heads side of things. One perspective sees only good, while the other only sees the negative side of things.


In life there are always going to be positive and negative,

which side we see shall be our reality.

~Joseph Lieungh


Coming back from a walk with a friend, I saw this first hand. My dear friend kicked a log into the water and pretended to be the log, as he gave his take on being pushed into the water, “Oh #%*k, that is the fifty-seventh time someone kicked me in the water. Just when I washed ashore and dried off, someone pushes me back in.” I smiled…explaining, “Or, the log says, thank you, thank you, thank you. I have laid in my filth for too long and you sir were so kind to have pushed me in. Thank you!”


While one view was of angst and misery, the other was filled with joy and gladness. While one remains in misery the other basks in gratitude. It is merely one’s own perception, that dictates their life.


Whether you think you are right or wrong,

either way you are correct.

~Henry Ford


Suffering will always be present in this world, but it does not mean we have to be trapped in the misery. We have ability to live in gratitude. If one is called to aid the suffering, that is a different story…for they must be among the negative….for there they are called to shine the light!


Stepping into the Canvas with two perspectives. Whichever side you choose, will be your reality. Heads or tails, it does not matter. Choose wisely, for either way you are correct. Lay in your own filth or be washed clean…forever singing…I am free!