Step of the Day

Stepping into the Canvas…return to the beginning. In the beginning was the Word, the Word was with God and the Word was God. When we find ourselves in a rut, we can always return back to our faith, knowing that all will be good. Apply intentions, infused in faith and reap what ye shall sow. In knowing this…it shall be so…

Coming Together As One

On the eve of Thanksgiving I ponder my day: two families and plenty of nourishment; Many emotions to be shared…some good, some not so good. Whether we enjoy the company and conversation or not, it truly is a gift that we have family to come together. It is not only a time of reflection on the immediate, but the opportunities of shining Love and Light upon those ‘others’ in need. Whether it be immediate family or a stranger passing by, may we reflect on the gift we have of making another person’s day.

Thanksgiving day is for bringing families together, reminding us to stop just for one day and give thanks for the abundance flowing into our lives. Thanksgiving day is reserved to one day out of the year, but could easily be an everyday occurrence if we choose.

I invite you, just for today, to be that beacon of Light, shining upon your family extra bright today. Take an extra pause, just for today, to count the many blessings that you may have and the many blessings that are on their way. If there is someone at the table who speaks a negative language, give them a language lesson in positivity. May Faith be Your eyes, Hope your ears, and Love be your warm embrace.

Today, I give thanks for: Internet, Twitter accounts, Facebook accounts, friendships of old and friendships of new, conversations and no conversations, opportunities to spread positivity, work, food, bare necessities. All of this I give thanks, but today will turn them off and give this day to you…Thank you Father for all these things. Thank you for the wonderful family placement and thank you for all my Brothers and Sisters.

Stepping into the Canvas extra bright today, sharing Love, Light and Life with each and every step. May gratitude fill my plate today, returning for seconds of the sweet tasting appreciation. Giving thanks not only to those whom return a feeling of goodness, but also those who do not. May today be reminder that everyday can be a holiday…Happy Thanksgiving!