Dreaming a New Canvas into Reality

With a reality painted into existence, as thoughts have come to fruition. Whether it is as we saw it or it requires a bit of tweaking to our liking…it is all possible to see. Distraction…oh the many distractions of the day…keeping us from seeing clearly to what the Canvas should like.

In reality there is no perfect Canvas but an interpretation of the Canvas. Seeing the Canvas as one way or the other remains in our hands. Sitting quietly, embracing silence of the mind, releasing fear of what may or may not take place.

Letting fear enter our mind, allowing it to be, and letting it pass. Whether we feel the fear or we see the end results of the fear makes no difference…we merely need to tackle the possibility of our own self-doubt that a new reality is at hand.

Allowing the mind to witness the fear, we look to the heart for guidance. Entering the heart we enter a new realm of possibilities…allowing what may seem dismal to be transformed into a beautiful painting of our reality.

Sitting quietly. Bringing our attention to breath.

Alone and afraid quickly passes into infinite possibilities, allowing hope to take hold of our brush. With every dream, every thought, a new stroke of brilliance is painted into reality.

Stepping into the Canvas with attention to our dreams. With attention upon our dreams we are dreaming a new Canvas into reality. It is ok to sit quietly, it is ok to be busy all the time…merely a choice. Our choice is to be happy…so we align with what brings us happiness.

dreaming a new reality

Dreams to Reality

Wide awake the dreams become a reality. From nighttime to daytime, they are fused.~Ani Po

Taking time to contemplate our dreams of the night, they are fused with the day. Ignoring them, we remain in a false reality of conditioned reality. Breaking free what we have been told, adopting our own, we are set free from all limits…unleashing Limitless Possibilities…bringing dreams to reality.

dreams to reality