The Steps We Take

The steps we take can make for brighter days…we need only take the first step.~Ani Po

Numb is what we are.

Unable to shift our reality.

What we see is what we get.

It is what it is.

Until the pain is too great, dreaming of a new reality.

We step.

We shift.

A New reality is born.

Our reality is as it is according to our belief as to how it should be. Remaining as it is, we remain as it is. Shifting our consciousness to higher ground, we shift our reality as well. Seeing the good in all, the promise of a new world, we come to know this truth as a possibility.

Stepping into the Canvas with a new step. Shifting our sites on new possibilities, it is made so. Letting go of old paradigms, accepting in gratitude a new reality…it is made manifest into a new thought process. In acceptance and gratitude for endless possibilities, we accept, no matter what others say, a new reality…and it is so.

the step we take


Love Pours From My Soul

For I will not stop at the simplicity of my words, as the Love pours from my soul.~Ani Po

It is true it has all been written before and there is nothing new written under the sun. The fact remains we need to be reminded that Love is with us always and we can see it as we choose to.

Stepping into the Canvas with Love in our words and actions, for this will be the final chapter. As the days unfold and our Canvas is tainted by misery of another, remain in Loving harmony…allowing our lips to mimic that which is placed upon our hearts…

love pours from my soul