Tailor-Make the Attitudes

You cannot tailor-make the situations in life but you can tailor-make the attitudes to fit those situations.~Zig Ziglar

Life is pretty simple, how we see and /or interpret is the difference between easy or difficult. Seer every moment as a gift…a lesson…learning and growing into that person we aspire to be. Our deepest wish is to be Loved…so go Love…and be Loved forevermore…

tailor-make the attitudes

Resurrection of a Glorious Tomorrow

The sacrifice I make today, is the resurrection of a glorious tomorrow.~Ani Po

The greatest sacrifice we can give is that of our own faults, forgiving them and releasing them for all eternity. Call them sins, baggage or darkness of our souls…whatever the case, it is a new day! Let go of these painful memories, see a new beginning on the brink of a new day!

Resurrection of a glorious tomorrow