Light is Nearest Of All To Us

Truly, it is in darkness that one finds the light, so when we are in sorrow, then this light is nearest of all to us.~Meister Eckhart

It is through our own experiences we gain so much wisdom. Even in our darkest hours, Light shines Brighter than ever before…often presenting another way. Whatever our circumstances, trust that All will be Good…and it shall be so…

Meister Eckhart


Beneath the Foot of Every Step

Step into the Canvas of Life, wholeheartedly, and truth shall lay beneath the foot of every step.~Ani Po

We can bow to the misery within the world or we can praise the blessings bestowed upon our daily lives. Whatever we choose, it is ours and ours alone. Choose to see misery and misery shall fill our canvas of life; see the miracles within…assuredly they shall magnify without…

beneath the foot of every step