Finding Peace Within The Chaos

amazing picture

With another week behind us and the weekend ahead, we settle into reflection on how we got here. Whether in bliss or in chaos, we made it…and we are here to enjoy! If chaos got us through the week, it is time to relax and learn from the experiences of our days. If bliss was there all along, then rejoice and enjoy the magic…let it carry us into the weekend.

Taking Me Time

Healthy ‘Me’ time leads to Happy ‘We’ time.  How often do we witness someone who continuously gives and then complains of being tired? Why do they not take a day to themselves? We often get so deep in what we Love, we forget to take the necessary “Me Time.” Take a break for you today and enjoy the Very Best Me Time!

Well today is my day for ’Me Time.’ Taking time to reflect on my days, clearing my head of the 10,000 things, I return to balance. When I reached out to a friend, she simply stated “Feed them Bananas!” This was exactly what I needed to hear. Taking her advice…I reached for the bananas and they were pleased.

Stepping into the Canvas in Silence, contemplating my nothingness…In nothing lay everything. Be aware of the signs leading to silence, heed their call and take the necessary me time. Have a good weekend…Love, Light and Life

painted just for you

Mirroring That Which You Already Know

Often times messages come to us in many shapes and sizes, but the most exhilarating are the direct messages that enter into our quiet place. Whether angels exist or not, spirit guides among us, or the Lord speaks directly into our ear, we cannot excuse the direct messages that we receive.

A little reflection will show us that every belief, even the simplest and most fundamental, goes beyond experience when regarded as a guide to our actions. ~William Kingdon Clifford

When we are down, a friend may appear or a mailing of good news may arrive miraculously at our doorstep. As long as we ask for assistance…help will always arrive when it is needed most. The trouble is we cannot always understand the messages when they arrive. Many of the ancient teachings have spoken of the next steps…we must enter our quiet room and contemplate our current status. Sitting quietly, for however long necessary, the answers arrive.

The quiet room is not a physical place, but a spiritual place that resides in each and every one of us. It is a place where all the answers are kept. There are teachings referring to this place as the Akashic Records. The Akashic Place is at the level where all souls and all records are kept. If one practices quietude, they can gain easy access to their answers…the answers of the Universe.

As we look out into another day, choosing to stay in misery or look beyond personal misery, focusing on what we already know…we are meant to be happy and free. How does one get there? Look beyond the shortcomings and expect greater things to come our way. If one is currently lying in the shadows of darkness, allowing it to pass,  Light will surely shine once again. Don’t give up, don’t just sit there…get up, take a step and trust that all will be good once again.

Even within our hectic schedules, it is attainable to find peace within the chaos.~Ani Po

Stepping into the Canvas as if you already know.  Realizing that we know very little, we begin to see everything we need to know. In our quietude, we hear the mighty roar within. In our darkness, we receive Light. With each step, easy or not, see the lessons before us…see the beauty that flows through the Canvas of Life.

Beyond The Veil

Removing the masks of who we thought we should be, getting to our authentic selves, we find whom we truly are. Often times we put on a pretend persona to appease another person. It is time to remove the veil that covers our true identity, allowing our playful side to return once more.

We can spend our whole life appeasing others, but never find happiness. Or, appease ourselves and live happily ever after.  A word of caution…when one steps out of the ordinary, they borderline extraordinary…what are you waiting for? Do it now! Often the others see the extraordinary as crazy…ignore them and be totally one hundred percent authentic…you!

Pretending to be someone you are not…only leads to pain and misery…Just be you!

Stepping into the Canvas as an original.  There is no other like you and there are no numbered copies of you. No matter the interpretation, no matter the gallery you find yourself in, be your authentic self. No one else can do it quite like you…you are a masterpiece!

The Way. Rumi

Right on Time

You are the Master Painter and I the observer. Everything in its own perfection, everything right on time.~Ani Po

Staring at the sky, enjoying all the beautiful colors. Observing at ground level the beauty continues. As I am present with the beauty around, it is a mirror image of what resides within. However we see the world around us is self-telling of whether we have found balance of self.

right on time