Accepting Lessons Of Life


Stepping into the Canvas, accepting the many lessons laying before us. The Canvas displays new scenery every time we step in, but how we see it is up to us. See beauty or despair…whichever way you see…it shall be so. Be open to new beginnings and further embrace the many lessons of life…Living a Syncrosensational Life.

When Hell Freezes Over

As the temperatures rise, we escape to cooler grounds. From AC unit to AC unit, we find our cool once again. Paralleled…our lives are symbolic of these days.

As the heat rises, we retreat to cooler grounds. The temperature may not actually rise, but the heat definitely does. How do you stay cool? How do you find Calmer, cooler grounds?

From the time we get up to the time we go to sleep, we are tested by varying temperatures throughout our days. Staying cool is often difficult. While some will find calmness, others remain in chaos. Whether the temperature is hot or cool, that depends on our thoughts. If we are spoiled by the falsities of AC units and other means to remain cool, then we forget to rely on our true nature… that of peace, love, and tranquility. In tranquility we find moments that will cool the hottest of days. As the temperature rises on the outside, may the temperature on the inside be cool.

As within, So without.

Yesterday, while the heat was high, I saw this lesson firsthand. As to set an eighth or lunch in the heat directly under the sun, the state cool with thoughts of coolness. Two other people from work, came to join them but could not take the heat. They complained by nature, and typically complained whether it was cold or hot. That yesterday was no different.

As we sit in calmness we remain cool;

sit in chaos, remain in the heat.

~Ani Po

Stepping into the Canvas as cool as can be. Whether the thermostat is rising or it is cool, may your mindset be that of cool. Whatever the heat of the moment, remain centered in coolness…and you will forever be cooled. If we have thoughts of angst, we are sure to feel heat; thoughts of love and compassion, we remain cool for eternity. As a man thinketh, so is he.~Abraham