The Spirit Of Water Flows Through

Stepping into the Canvas fluidly as water. As the Spirit of Water does not cease, so shall the Spirit within our being exist. This fathomless being that exists within in each and everyone of us…may flow now like that of the river. No labels, no definitions…only Silken as the entire Universe unfolds within our breath.

Punching The Clock vs. Arriving Right On Time

Day in day out, we continue to punch the clock. With appointments, schedules to keep and daily activities, we are constantly dwelling about time.

We could dwell about time or we can revel in it. One brings angst and fear, while the other brings joy endless. When we do not dwell upon the clock, we continuously fear that weird never meeting our expectations. When we let go of time and expectations, we invariably let go of our fears.

We can watch the clock tick and we can watch the clock tock, fear will never arrive on time. Or we can let go this concept, throwing out the clock, knowing we shall arrive exactly when we are intended to…Right on time. It is through self-realization that we find true faith. In this faith we find our true strength…declaring I Am Here.

Note: Ani Po is Hebrew for I Am Hebrew. It is a defining moment, available to all, that we instinctively stand firmly in self-realization…declaring I Am Here.

Ani Po recalls a retreat with a friend. A retreat where one found his voice of reason and Ani Po witnessed divine timing once again. Her friend, Elroi, asked Ani Po to go with him, as he needed to find a voice once forgotten. This voice was a special voice and now lay dormant within his being. Their retreat proved magical and the voice was soon returned.

The road-trip was one of five hours. The first half of the road-trip was one of unloading baggage from the past, digging deeper into a darkened soul. Ani Po just listened, while Elroi spoke of his lessons of life.

Half way to their destination, Ani Po stopped for gas and use the facilities. Before returning to the road, Elroi asked permission to play his guitar while Ani Po drives. Ani Po smiled in agreement. At that very moment a flash of light emerged from the dashboard and instrument panel. The display on the clock/radio flashed from 5:45pm to 12:00, as to have been reset. Alarmed Elroi asked what had happened.

Ani Po replies: {{{with a smile}}}“Your clock has been reset and have an opportunity to change your future with this defining moment.” This has happened to Ani Po before, as she has guided many Pilgrims into Light. Just before stepping onto the path of Light Warrior, their time-clock was reset…just as it did for Elroi.

Perplexed by her reply, Elroi asks her to explain.

Ani Po: “We often travel through life, with blinders over our eyes and our hands over our ears…never really paying attention to details the Canvas of Life has to offer. We could travel at light-speeds or slow down to taste the finer fruits of life. If we do only what everyone else wants us to do, never giving our hearts a chance to sing, how will we ever begin living in our true nature? Continuing to punch the clock, we never fully understand the diving timing that is available for all.”

Elroi: “What is our true nature?”

Ani Po: “Pure happiness no matter what we do with our lives. Many will say it is crazy or even claim it is a dream, but ask them how their lives are panning out. They appear to be making it on the surface, but underneath that thickened exterior lay a soul crying to be free from material wealth. To be truly free…we must let go of all material things, detaching from what we have learned thus far.”

Elroi: “But what about our families? We have responsibilities!”

Ani Po: “Of course we have responsibilities, but don’t we owe it to them to be happy? If our responsibilities have become a burden then there can be no balance in our lives. If we find happiness in all we do, then we have found what enlightened masters call Nirvana.”

The two friends arrive at their destination and retire for the evening, without any expectations of what is to come. Anxious, Elroi retires still in a state of fear. Fear of no agenda, fear of what comes next, but holds tight to a feeling of hope.

Ani Po: “Good morning Elroi. Did you sleep well?”

Elroi: “Good morning Sister…I did not. I slept horribly.”

Ani Po: “Sorry to hear this Brother…I slept like a baby.”

At this time Elroi is getting anxious about the day. He enjoys his coffee, as he normally does in the morning routine, but fears they have nothing to do for the day. Ani Po welcomes his fears as she explains…

“My Brother, let go of your plans for the day and allow Spirit to guide you. See those cars flying by at 75mph? That was us yesterday. Witness where you are right now and just be in this moment…Be with Spirit. When we are present within, we are present without. As we sit calmly in our seats, witnessing the mundane schedules of others, we allow ourselves to be on ‘our time.’ This is Divine time, shared by a person and their creator, has no agenda…just being.”

A storm rolled in as our two friends were discussing the intricacies of life. The rain began pounding on the roof immediately over-head. Ani Po witnessed some angst rise within her friend and offered this suggestion…

“Elroi, do you find it funny the rain has begun at this very moment? Do you think that our Source of all Creation has created this scenario just for you? Is it possible that this rain is a reminder to you that we needn’t only wash away our fears, but returning to trusting in all there is?”

Elroi: “I suppose so, but couldn’t Spirit just show us how to be, act and speak?”

Ani Po: “Very Good question Brother! Sadly as humans we will not heed another persons guidance without first-hand experience and often times it comes through our own pain. Religious bodies have tried to give keys to their followers, but very few will follow The Way. Ironically, this Way, is not found in the church but within self…the home of the only true church. We have to come to a place of total submission, allowing Spirit to fill our being with all there is. Once we ask, it shall be so. Once we receive, we shall give more away…and the Dance with Inspiration continues.”

Elroi: “How do I go on living without having an agenda?”

Ani Po: “Is there any place that Spirit is not? Is there an agenda that Spirit is not within? Do you want to make Spirit Laugh? The irony here is that Spirit is with us always and our plan falls under the Divine Plan. Letting go of what we think should be an outcome, we allow the outcome to unfold as it is supposed to.”

Elroi: “Does this mean I cannot get what I want? or I cannot have a specific outcome?”

Ani Po: “Not at all and quite the contrary! We can have it all…we need only ask. The keys to paradise fall on us. As we have a self-realizing thoughts…our thoughts become that of Spirit and we align ourselves with Spirit. Our lives become free-flowing, fluidly like that of a river. Aligning with Spirit, we align with all there is…achieving everything we have ever dreamed of, receiving everything we have ever imagined, and moving effortlessly as if everything else was in slow motion. From our fast-paced world to a Divine-paced world in a single moment…this is that moment. You like to play music, but are afraid to play. Play for your own self-healing and whom ever else you encounter shall be healed.”

Elroi: “But what about when I have to be to work at a specific time?”

Ani Po: “Let go of time and you will forever arrive exactly…Right on Time.”

Our two friends have just begun their spiritual journey together, but the life as they knew is merely a faded memory. As they look to the future, may we look to the future. With eyes of hope, our two friends remind us to do the same. Looking to the future, letting go of the past, we bask in this perfect moment of Now.

Stepping into the Canvas on Divine Timing. No matter where we have been or are going, all we have is this moment. How we spend that time is our defining moment. Every step into the Canvas can be with fear or with confidence. Confidence of being in the right place at the right time. Everything has a place and time…Now is your time.