When We Get Stuck…Ask The Children

Six years ago, when Ani Po first awoke to the brightened path, a real understanding of how things work…came to her. Over her entire life, she was told to do this or do that, rely on this person or that person. The whole time she was trying to follow the rules…she forgot to be herself. Awakening, she began to see clearer, but also began to see more haze. Haze not from the current situation, but clouded from the past.

Ani Po dug deep within her soul, but still unable to unearth deepened wounds. The only thing left to do, was give up trying to figure it out and start being true to herself. Then something magical happened. She asked a child the meaning of life and he replied, “Just Live.” How simple?! It took her many years to figure out, that we are to just live as we intend to and leave the details up to the Universe.

As he encouraged Ani Po to live a more fruitful life, she inevitably learned that she wasn’t asking the right questions. Ask and it shall be given unto thee. When she humbled herself and asked the little child, answers began to flow.

How many of us are willing to take advice from a child? How many of us would think we are lesser of an adult? I believe that it takes a bigger person to humble themselves and dare to ask a child for advice to life’s lessons.

Stepping into the Canvas asking lots of question. By questioning everything does not mean we do not believe. Instead it means we are inquiring further for truth. Ask and it shall be given unto thee. When life throws a monkey wrench in the system and answers are not present…who will dare to ask a child? Chances are the answer is quite simple…I dare you…when you get stuck…ask a child.

With Empty Hands

Stepping into the Canvas with empty hands. Holding onto “nothing” we are able to receive all that is necessary in our lives. If we cling to our thoughts and beliefs of material things, we have no room for abundance to freely ebb and flow into our lives. As we receive Love, we gently share it, allowing our hands to open for more abundance of Love…giving yet…more away…