When The World Throws Lemons

Stepping into the Canvas with spirit as your guide. The world may throw lemons, but you are versed in making lemonade. Whenever possible center yourself in your breath and just be. Be in that moment, witnessing the good or bad around you…what are you feeling? Are you affected by those around you? Just be yourself, live harmoniously as it was in the beginning and know that it will all be good. We are meant to be happy, not the opposition. If necessary…simplify, simplify, simplify. Wishing you a spirit-filled day!

Step of the Day

Stepping into the Canvas with ‘No Mind.’ In letting go of our own agenda, we cannot be disappointed; in letting go of our own thoughts, we are open to new ideas; in letting go of our cleverness, we purchase bewilderment; finally in letting go of Ego, we walk in Spirit…