Kissing the Canvas Floor

Kissing the Canvas Floor

My heart steps

Photo by Brian Mann on Unsplash

Traveling the world
Seeking beauty amidst the Canvas
Checking off
Checking in
Waiting for the next item on the list
Black Sea to the Mediterranean
Down under to Icelandic shores
Travel the globe twice, maybe thrice, as it be
Yet distance to the heart
Longer than it seems
Filling gaps in thought
Filling holes in being
Where does thou want to Step?
Hang on to memories
Those of night
Bright as the day
My heart Steps
Kissing the Canvas floor
Exuberance in every footprint
Traveling the globe a thousand times
Returning to the favored spot
I Am Here.

~Ani Po

Thank you Filza Chaudhry and Heart Revolution for housing this space.

Much gratitude for those who take time to read, ponder, and allow the inner workings of self to come forward. Grateful for the feedback, love shared, and, more importantly, the Dance with Inspiration. Deep Peace.

Joseph Lieungh

Photo by Javardh on Unsplash

Cyclical or Peace Profound

Cyclical or Peace Profound

We are bathed in love

Photo by Hal Gatewood on Unsplash

Cyclical or Peace Profound
Fused reality, if so
Single thought
Thousand monkeys running a muck


Cingular and singular
Cells to cosmic proportions
We are
Seek Love


Order of it all
It is already there
We are Love


Kindness thoughts
All received
Perceptual thought


Outward Gaze
Inwardly return
We are Bathed in Love.

~Ani Po

Thank you Filza Chaudhry and Heart Revolution for housing these words.

A peaceful song to clear this space…

Much gratitude for those who take time to read, ponder, and allow the inner workings of self to come forward. Grateful for the feedback, love shared, and, more importantly, the Dance with Inspiration. Deep Peace.

Joseph Lieungh

Photo by Javardh on Unsplash