Re-Writing The Canvas Of Life

Stepping into the Canvas with new supplies. With pen to paper, brush to canvas, our life is rewritten with a single stroke of a pen or brush. It is possible to wipe the slate clean, but equally possible to rewrite the Canvas of Life. Everything leading to this point in history has made you the beautiful, smart and powerful person that you are. True power comes from within and given freely…go now give of this power freely…live the life you were meant to…Live a Syncrosensational Life…You were born for this day!

Gravitating Towards Happiness

Stepping into the canvas with appreciation for all. The are many paintings within the Canvas of Life, but  beauty is in the eye of the beholder. If nature is God’s Canvas, than the collective whole returns balance to the Canvas for everyone to enjoy. We have the ability to enjoy some paintings more than others, with focus on those which bring us happiness. With every stroke of our brush, or choice of paints, we take an active part in creating more of what we want. Do we want enjoyment or misery?…that is up to us. Just as in life…when we meet an unfriendly, we have the ability to gravitate towards that which brings us happiness.