Stepping into the Canvas of a New Reality

Stepping into the Canvas of a New Reality

A domino effect among the Master Artists

Photo by Tom Wilson on Unsplash

Pondering the nightly skies and daytime spies — chickadees and orioles returning refrain — echoing mysteries of more falsities — realities of centenaries lied.

Yesterday — of birds and aviary song

Today — an aquatic exploration of creatures seven seas

Tomorrow — a glimpse into a new possibility

No agenda set by worldly control — we adopt a free-flow, Stepping into the Canvas’ stream. No more — listening to storm doors clatter in sacred winds. Yea — peaceful sounds of babbling brooks soothing our souls.

Awakened this day — Ani Po’s self-declaring tune — truth be told — all in the all. Physical to psychic — tangible to abstract — a thousand words holding us down.

Asleep for forty — fifty — longer than a centuries-old fabrication — stories from children’s books, young and old. No longer working our fingers to blood-curdling screams — dropping the stoned shattering truths.

Arm-to-arm — brothers and sisters true — loving warmth outwardly spilling tune. All in the all — one and for All — all-inclusive affair. Narrow is the gate — widened arms as the roads trailblazing goes — vast as the oceans call and unlimited the skies etched in the sketch.

Stepping into the Canvas of a new reality. With an empty canvas before us, we not only paint the scenery for our reality but create a Domino Effect with other “Master Artists” — causing a chain reaction of deepened peace in self and collective whole.

Thank you Marilyn Glover, and the whole Third-Eye-Ascension family for holding this sacred space.

Much gratitude for those who take time to read, ponder, and allow the inner workings of self to come forward. Grateful for the feedback, love shared, and, more importantly, the Dance with Inspiration. Deep Peace.

Joseph Lieungh

Photo by Javardh on Unsplash

Captain’s Log: Keeping Gaze on Horizon’s Page

Captain’s Log

Keeping gaze on horizon’s page

Last boat ride of potential last dive — photo by author

It has been at least thirteen weeks since my last entry.

It matters not.

Difficulty with left-hand typing — strengthening songs, lighting fingertips trusted sparking true.

It matters not.

Was it the TPA? or the chamber? Offering relief to left-sided paralysis.

It matters not.

Thought or no thought, where does the mind wander these days? Much easier to ‘turn off’ the mind, drawing a blank on the blank canvas of a page.

It matters not.

Petechiae rash flares up weeks after decompressing in a chamber’s dive hour six. Circulatory systems fail — before, after, and present after writing off future bottom time.

It matters not.

Primary care. Neurologist. Rheumatologist. Vampire bite — more testing — maybe even an Immunologist nosey wonderings — I’m losing track of this journey of not knowing. BP is skyrocketing — no amount of meditation is bringing it down.

WTF?! still…

It matters not.

I could spin a thousand times — creating stories and theories of just and unjust. Quiet the mind — focusing on the meaning of said circulatory system. Blockage. Failure. Heart pumping a thousand times greater.

It matters not.

Trusted is the one — fallen to the bottom of the murky seas — knowing that all will clear eventually. Slowing the breath — voiding thoughts — knowing the answers are coming — or they are not.

~ Ani Po

Thank you

 for holding this sacred space at Know Thyself, Heal Thyself.

Much gratitude for those who take time to read, ponder, and allow the inner workings of self to come forward. Grateful for the feedback, love shared, and, more importantly, the Dance with Inspiration. Deep Peace.

Joseph Lieungh

Photo by Javardh on Unsplash