Man’s Search for Meaning

Man’s Search for Meaning

Finding peace with aid of a floating fish head

Photo by Gaelle Marcel on Unsplash

I often used to think that people walking around happy and jolly were either pretending or on something medicinal. It wasn’t until recently I began opening up to a new reality..that of happiness. Now instead of being the accuser, I am the accused.

Have you ever noticed some people are always happier than the next? Offering a different perspective on life?

Try not to get annoyed by them; instead, study how they perceive things.

Instead of doom and gloom, they see only sunshine and prosperity. They do not live in poverty but in prosperity. Whatever the financial stability, they are happy no matter what. This, in my view, is true wealth. Regardless of their given situation, they make the best of it.

This prompt, reminds me of my earlier studies on the topic of “Man’s search for meaning.” Having read Victor Frankl’s book, the most compelling story is of him telling how he found peace during the times they were only given fish water, made from the leftover heads of the German officers in the camp.

Viktor Frankl was captured and put into a concentration camp. Even when hope was lost…Viktor Frankl found it, telling the tale of a floating fish head. It was his faith that strengthened his hope of one day walking out of the concentration camp, all the while ministering to the less hopeful, Shedding Light on a bleak situation.

Note: Ani Po is a pen name and carries the meaning of “I am here.” I have previously referred to Ani Po as a pilgrim, in the masculine and ego-sense, while referring to a warrior carrying the energy of feminine and identifying as she.

When Ani Po was a lost pilgrim, she could only see happy people as delusional. How could they possibly be happy in today’s given state of the economy? They must be living falsely, or on ‘happy pills.’ both may be true, but soon Ani Po would find out it was she that was delusional. As a Pilgrim, she pooh-poohed the happy, positive people. As a Warrior, she saw them in a brighter light, showing their true identity…and Allie.

From seeing self-help gurus as only interested in their bank accounts to seeing them as truly interested in helping the lost pilgrims of today. While some may be more interested in the paycheck, some are authentically looking to serve the greater good.

Personal thoughts, at the time I wrote this piece in 2012. No validity in what my thoughts reflect back then, except that is where my mind was. Currently, I do not have an opinion but hope that people find what they are looking for without being taken advantage of.

Ani Po, during the times of poverty thinking (pilgrim thinking), saw everyone as a threat. Seeing everyone as trying to manipulate her or take advantage of her. What she failed to realize is her pilgrim thinking attracted more pilgrim thinking. Her negative thoughts were sent out into the universe as a prepaid order, and the universe was happy to oblige in giving her what she continued to dwell upon. Changing her thinking to that of prosperity (warrior thinking), she began to see everyone as a mentor or an Allie, waiting to aid her in her quest towards happiness.

Present day thinking, all can become allies, directly or indirectly by the lesson, we need only see with open eyes.

No longer feeling trapped or insecure with herself, Ani Po has found security in knowing that she is right on time and perfect just the way she is. She has realized her imperfections make her unique, and honoring her imperfections invariably sees perfection daily. Seeing a mirror image of imperfect perfection, she can see the perfections in all the imperfections that surround her.

Where do you see yourself? Are you still trapped in feeling like that of a pilgrim? That is OK.

 Just as Ani Po found out…you too shall see… you are right on time. How does one get to this place of Warrior Mentality? Ani Po did not go anywhere to find it, and no books could teach her The Way. No guru could get her to see The Way. Instead, she had to choose this path of Warrior, standing firmly in what she felt to be true.

Stepping into the Canvas as a Warrior. Knighted by the Most High, you have been appointed to watch over the seekers of Light. When asked how did you get there, you will tell them…From Pilgrim to Warrior in a Single Thought. From Lost to Found, I know this to be true.

Thank you Marcus aka Gregory Maidman for this weeks Spiritual Prompt and Ravyne Hawke for housing these words on Promptly Written. It brought me back to when I first wrote about Viktor Frankl, in awe of the courage he displayed during his time. I was going to write a poetic piece, but I think I will leave it here, sharing a personal journal entry on this subject.

Much gratitude for those who take time to read, ponder, and allow the inner workings of self to come forward. Grateful for the feedback, love shared, and more importantly, the Dance with Inspiration. Deep Peace.

Joseph Lieungh

Photo by Javardh on Unsplash

Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For

Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For

Until one day it found me

Photo by averie woodard on Unsplash

Setting out on this path moving forward — no longer looking back, except to witness the steps arriving timely with each new footing, whether physical, spiritual or mystical plains of truths opening our objectivity. Forward vision gaining sight — letting go fantoosh ways of old — news knocking on our doors daily — telling us what to hear, see, believe, regardless of what our heart calls us to know.

Personal journey — scuppered at the edge of our heartfelt spinning energetic being, bleeding out till all our seeds rotten to the core — cracking open, germinating again. Pouring out contented casks nourishing spirits call — metronymic naming imprinted before birth, ancestral calling for awakening.

Following the masses, emptied song lines with no apparent end in sight — unseen, unknown, taking a turn down jagged, crooked roads — finding ourselves alone, treasure trove bursting into flames. Lighting our way, burning paths into historical shifts — doth not suffer hearing majorities judging thoughts, embracing the stones beneath our feet — paving the way.

Material has forgotten attachment to physical — plain sight igniting truths, before truth giving birth to all realities — returning to the one carrying many names — dropping labels along the roadside, free as a bird — spirit carries me. One thought above all — the expansive growth of knowing simultaneous unknowing — discoveries openness lifting, carrying us to where it all began.

Reflecting, forwarded projecting voice — echoing the ancient songs healing, soothing cries collective voice — sure-footed advancement. Zero-point flipping tides, turning memories — wiping clean the gibberish not yet gathered — waste management coming to aid digestive transmutation.

Something greater, this way comes — fixated on the one true home — self-believing, careful proceeding, approaching a place reserved for all willing to get out from under the preponderance of the world. Rejoice! Picket fence, rounding corners — purple door bigger than life — heartfelt knocking — arriving home.

~ Ani Po

My first thoughts to this prompt, was that of no longer having an objective but remaining in peace with self and the daily actions of others, believing in old ways of divide and conquering, knowing finite truths twisted by centuries of misguided steps.

Title song comes to mind, Still haven’t found what I’m looking for, continuing the search for answers to all of the forks in the road before us. To say that day has come, falsely exaggerated, realizing that there is yet more to this universal truth, waiting for our discovering of not knowing anything at all.

There is comfort in not knowing, judgment spewing from bell-curved dwellers, allowing a natural ebb and flow to it all. We arrive at a place we call home.

Firstly, putting this song on loop, as I look out into the cosmos for these words previously written. Please give it a listen.

Thank you Ravyne Hawke. jules, Christine Graves, Joanne Olivier, Marcus aka Gregory Maidman, and the whole PW family for sharing in this dance.

If you are not aware of the title song, here is a link to take you there.

Much gratitude for those who take time to read, ponder, and allow the inner workings of self to come forward. Grateful for the feedback, love shared, and more importantly, the Dance with Inspiration. Deep Peace.

Joseph Lieungh

Photo by Javardh on Unsplash