I’ve Become

Peeling another layer like an onion…I’ve become.~Ani Po

Laughing once again, as another opportunity of growth presents itself. As a family member loses their cool…I mean really loses their cool…as to not be aware of what is going on around them. They do not even hear another person trying to rationalize with them or offer suggestions or solutions. What to do? Well, I clearly need to learn more  non-attachment as I could have stayed calmer. Yep…the volcano erupted.

Thank goodness it did, as it brought more awareness to my growth. I see that I still have attachment to what people may think or feel. I still have attachment to what people think should be their outcomes. Their numbness becomes my platform for getting worked up…why? Well, maybe because I have been there and my attachment to head knowledge, lacks patience for their not understanding. Hmmm…more patience presents on my part…

Stepping into the Canvas peeling yet another layer of an onion. With each new layer, presents a new discovery of self. Just when we think we are done peeling…another hidden layer presents.

I've become


Focus to see the Light

It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light.~Aristotle Onassis

Sitting quietly in the dark, as I usually do each morning, a simple lesson comes forth. While sitting in our own darkness, we can either struggle to see the light or wait patiently for our eyes to adjust to the light already present.

Literally and metaphorically, if we simply sit and allow our eyes to adjust, any situation shall shed light on our darkened moments. In our darkest moments our light shines the brightest.
