That Which is Unseen

May we see that which is unseen.~Ani Po

When we let go of trying to figure things out or try and force things to be the way we feel it should be, the universe conspires to show us another way of seeing the beauty in the world. See through the darkened looking glass, see the beauty behind the masks…it is amazing when we carve our own path.

Stepping into the Canvas with a new perspective. When the normalcy of the day paints a bleak outcome, retreat to a quiet place…wait…see the beauty unfold. Our perception is result of all the conditioned response of the past, but today is a new day for creating that which we seek to find.

that which is unseen

Nothingness of our Days

May joy be found in the nothingness of our days.~Ani Po

Too busy with the monotony of our days, we forget to enjoy the special moments throughout the day. Caught up in the business, we fail to see the beauty in the nothingness. Further, we feel we need to keep busy…continuing the cycles of our days.

It is in the nothingness of our days, we find the most enjoyment. Happiness may not be found in the stuff or the business, but in the quiet moments with the self. Alone, quiet and of no thoughts…we find all we need to know.

nothingness of our days