Crossing a Wooden Bridge

Crossing a Wooden Bridge

From present to past and future returns

Image taken by author

Present are we — breathing life into the dead carcasses of walking dead — we remain until a mule spattering disgust kicks us on the painted canvas we are attempting to hang for all to see. Chop wood, carry water — always the go-to internal response — with the villagers trying to knock our vessel into emptied broken pieces.

Breathe again — stepping onto the broken bridge — cautiously walking into the past — the origin of fleeting thoughts. Aged and worn are the timbers held with rusty nails — piercing the flesh with unspoken words — reaching to heart-centered beginnings like a sliver caught under the first few layers of flesh — painful remains of a battle with peace and tranquility — crossing a wooden bridge to past and future returns.

Like cheap perfume existing on our minds — offensive firstly — then permeating into a fieldless blossom of heart-smelt knowing of truth in the cheapest of storylines to the finest of china serving up a loving heart-song for all to hear — bringing us to our favorite tune — emitting true-self with every kissing of steps upon the mother birthing us all.

No bells and whistles — cliché as we speak — our truth sounds like a recorded message from the ancients — as it was in the beginning. Creative or destructive tongues-speaking perceptual understanding of how the world spins into existence — returning to healing sounds of aviator songs and tasteful blossoms forbidden fruit — savoring every cherry — sour or sweetest of symphonies singing through.

Thickened sauce — simmering centuries of thought — adding a little more seasoning to a bland flavor of souls. Gelatinous touch — heaviness in an airy pairing of pain and suffering — transmuted words like changing one’s clothes from morning to the afternoon of our days.

Nearly burnt by simmering thought — saved by the timer set to our heart’s calling and added spice of a secret recipe — freely given to all who wish to dance with the burner’s boiling effects. Like canvas’ abstract approach — Picasso-like in every step we take — infused with love and joy in all the surrounding misery.

~ Ani Po

Immense gratitude for Promptly Written, the Promptliciousness of Ravyne Hawke. Marcus aka Gregory Maidman, Christine Graves, Rose Malana and all those contributing time in reading and writing thoughts.

Today’s piece was in response to Christine Graves prompt on Sensing the Story and this is where my mind took me.

Sensing the Story
Use all your senses
Sight: A wooden bridge
Scent: Cheap perfume
Sound: Bells and whistles
Taste: Cherry
Touch: Gelatinous

The above picture was taken near the Inka trail. While not wooden, per se, it does bridge the past and future, while present we remain, bridging the gap of past, present and future tense.

Much gratitude for those who take time to read, ponder, and allow the inner workings of self to come forward. Grateful for the feedback, love shared, and, more importantly, the Dance with Inspiration. Deep Peace.

Joseph Lieungh

Photo by Javardh on Unsplash

Pilgrim Seeks the Personification of Another

Pilgrim Seeks the Personification of Another

Warrior remaining true to self

Photo by Timothy Eberly on Unsplash

What if today was your last day on this planet? What would you do differently? Who would you call? It is a sad truth that humans are conditioned in thinking that they must work, work, work — forgetting what matters to them most — happiness. Conditioned to think we must ‘sacrifice’ thoughts or beliefs to fit in with the ‘in-crowd.’ Even further, to ‘sacrifice’ happiness at the cost of living the American Dream.

If today was your last day, would you go to work? Would you work twelve hours? Or, would you call in sick to enjoy the remaining hours with those closest to you?

Another sad truth: humans wait until some catastrophe happens to make necessary changes in their lives. Even sadder: some are hit with a two-by-four — still unable to wake up. They are the living dead.

While ninety-five percent of the population subscribes to the majority, the remaining five percent will break these chains of bondage. These freedom fighters are the true Warriors of Happiness. Sadly, these same Warriors who step out of the ordinary and into the extraordinary are considered crazy.

 Where do you want to be? Do you align with the ninety-five percent or the other five? Do you want to be ordinary or extraordinary?

Name one famous conformist….tick, tock…times up. Bet you cannot name one. Paralleled, in the below clip, young Sheldon is challenged to find a famous Baptist Scientist but can only find one from the early 1500’s.

A friend once called with concern in her voice, asking for advice. When she explained the dilemma, I merely told her she already knew the answer. When she still hesitated to answer, I posed the same question as above, “Can you name one famous conformist?” She could not name one! My next question was, “Can you name one non-conformist?” Her reply, “I can name a thousand.” Silence came over the phone…then stating, “thank you…I know what I must do.”

We all know the answers haunting us throughout our day but believe in not thinking out of the box. An example of this comes from our friend Ani Po…

Ani Po is a pen name, a muse, or name for all we can be, declaring I am here. Early in my writing I would write about pilgrim versus warrior mentality. While pilgrim can take on varying meanings, I chose to use it for the aimless wanderings of self. While the warrior, chooses with conviction, the path before her.

Witnessing a real-life oxymoron, Ani Po could not help but laugh aloud. She was working in a financial office, and the boss called all staff members into a strategic planning meeting. The boss and two other subordinates gave a pep talk about increasing revenue and turn-around times while opening the floor to all staff members suggestions. They encouraged all staff to think “outside of the box.” The irony was when they dismissed them into their little cubicles.

In this case, the boss told Ani Po to think out of the box while sending her back into her box (cubicle). This is very reflective of our society. We are told to do one thing but expected to do another. Why is this? It is because of our conditioning into bondage. Today is the day to be free…Step out of the box!

While the pilgrim subscribes to the majority of thinking, worrying about personal reputation and what everyone else is thinking, the Warrior subscribes only to that of self. “Self-inflicted fun” is all she has in mind. Her day is not spent worrying about “deadlines.” Instead, she is concerned with her ‘dead’ line. She knows that she will not be here one day, making the most of every day.

Stepping into the Canvas and out of the box, allowing the creative juices to flow. Spewing creative colors throughout the Canvas of Life, brightening the scenery with vibrant colors. From darkened Canvas to Canvas of Light, we are left living our lives to the fullest. Be authentic…dare to Step out of the box.

Will you do this now or later? The choice is yours…

Thank you Marcus aka Gregory Maidman for sharing another synchronicity in your prompt, inviting us to dive into the world of young Sheldon. The take away for me, as was young Sheldon’s, do not try to be anyone else but yourself.

Please give this prompt some love and watch the clip of young Sheldon. What comes to you?

Much gratitude to Ravyne Hawke, Christine Graves, Rose Malana, Marcus aka Gregory Maidman and the whole Promptly Written family for sharing these words and complementing thoughts.

Much gratitude for those who take time to read, ponder, and allow the inner workings of self to come forward. Grateful for the feedback, love shared, and, more importantly, the Dance with Inspiration. Deep Peace.

Joseph Lieungh

Photo by Javardh on Unsplash