Great Mystery

Short Story| Awareness

Great Mystery

Little bird finds her song

Photo by Kellie Shepherd Moeller on Unsplash

We all have those self-defeating thoughts — maybe it is just me. Like a roller coaster ride, as we have ridden before, up and down, thrashing left to right on a ride called life.

Some twists and turns are enjoyable, but others are less. Having ridden so many roller coasters such as loop de loops, corkscrews, thousand-foot drops, backward or even Mach one speeds. Do we become immune to or get bored of the ride? Just tired of the roller coasters. Not of roller coasters per se, but of the rides we have been on already. The roller coasters may no longer be thrilling — they have lost their thrill.

My mother used to tell me this story about a little bird:

There once was a little bid who loved life to the fullest. Flying from tree to tree, dodging capture and hunting for its game. This bird grew bored with her home, so she searched for greater things.

She flew to neighboring villages, even across the deep blue sea. Once nearly getting eaten by a shark or splatting into an old 65 Cutlass Supreme and riding — hanging on for dear life. Unknowingly to self, she was living to the fullest.

Yet, something remained void within. She no longer wanted to fly. A mother panther found her crying on a rotted stump upon returning home.

Bird didn’t want to get up, perch or sing; she just wanted to sleep all day.

One day, in the morning Sun, a message came to her. In the distance, she could see what appeared to be musical notes traveling in her direction. Feeling a vibratory song perching her chest, she felt a strong pull to the highest branches.

She flew straight to the top of Mighty Oak with vigor and great passion. A song emerged from somewhere Greater, “for this is why we sing.” Little bird sang every day with a discovery of the Great Mystery.

In her final moments, she realized she was a part of something greater all along, and with her final wish of being more like Mighty Oak, selfless and deeply rooted, She Became.

Our story is created in our minds, whether true or false, certified or make-believe. Everything is created in our minds. Some will tell of precise recipes, selling ‘how to’ or ‘fix all,’ others we will insist we take this or that to cure ourselves. Truth is — we need only be present with our thoughts, allowing ebb and flow. Acknowledging and allowing them to pass — or we pluck them from our trade of thought. One by one, re-creating our thought process, our daily Canvas, plucking and choosing which words or thoughts to affix Upon our Canvas.

Physical or mental — Spirit remains. Tapping into Greater, our physical and mental strain returns to the Source of All There IS. Single breath — It Is So. Gratitude for Great Mystery.

Some may find this in disbelief with words of a madman; truly I say to you I Am, and these are merely The Way of my beliefs.

~Ani Po

Thank you Diana C., Spyder, Ravyne Hawke, and the whole Know Thyself Heal Thyself family for holding this sacred space.

Much gratitude for those who take time to read, ponder, and allow the inner workings of self to come forward. Grateful for the feedback, love shared, and, more importantly, the Dance with Inspiration. Deep Peace.

Joseph Lieungh

Photo by Javardh on Unsplash

Reaching the Crossroads of Infinity

Poetry| life choices

Reaching the Crossroads of Infinity

Choosing directional pull

Photo by Jametlene Reskp on Unsplash

At the crossroads — yet again — sorting through the rubble. Brushing off the dirt — tainted sandaled feet — hoping for smoother ground.

Readied pounce — opportunities knocking louder than before — yet still a tethering to grounded floors. Waiting patiently — all systems go — like a rocket ship blasting to altered galaxies.

Bated breath — anxiety exchanging glimpses of weightless being — it is nearly time. Anticipation — childhood memories of the red, white, and blue flavor of bomb-pops delight.

Just the mere observation of events — years of pain lifting with an immediate breath — the time has come — realities are shifting. Listen to the body sing — effortless movement hitherto — confirmation received in releasing all there ever was.

Songbirds singing — praises for another day — echoing songs of past, present, and future more. Our days have passed — no longer bound to the songs of the fallen ones.

Breathing in the past — ancient ones forgotten tune — releasing one final breath. Breathing in the future — calling all angels — possibilities left at the crossroads of infinity.

~ Ani Po

Thank you Diana C., Spyder, Ravyne Hawke, and the whole Know Thyself Heal Thyself family for holding this sacred space.

Much gratitude for those who take time to read, ponder, and allow the inner workings of self to come forward. Grateful for the feedback, love shared, and, more importantly, the Dance with Inspiration. Deep Peace.

Joseph Lieungh

Photo by Javardh on Unsplash