Home is Where you Hang Your Hat

Self-actualized poetic thought

Home is Where You Hang Your Hat

Heartfelt transference

Photo by Beth Jnr on Unsplash

Traveled the world searching for sentient’s ultimate resting place not yet reserved for the beyond and decays of death itself. Reserved for the present-day global embodiment of self and collective beings, natural flow to sounds of whispered winds, naked oaks, and dancing hare-filled joyous melodies.

Foraging the fields’ natural remedies — forests gifts written upon the heart saturation of love-light transmuting thought-based realities rose-colored glasses — judge me not for the happiness found in swamp-filled reality and global pandemics divided courses reaching master levels — graduated classes in sheepskins clothing purchased by woven-wolves sharpened tongues.

Samba’s paralleled fox-trot fluctuating words switched at birth defecting to another country — tracing back to the beginning of varied existence — written and perceptual lost through the translation of our mind-filled understandings — intellectually prescribed cursed land divinized yet north, middle and southern mirroring turtle islands historical movements to herd the peoples not yet aware.

Common elsewhere in the lands — far and near, planetary and extraterrestrial vibratory dissonance, cross-referencing polarity of oneself — to galactic involvement, returning home to where the heart is — not yet opened to full capacity.

Dance with me ye grassy knolls hidden in plain sight, forget-me-nots and star-gazing lily pads watering blossom–under the pretense of asunder and false prophesying to the masses of destructive origins truth-be-told.

Breath of life spatting handfuls of mother’s eupnea’ molding and mending over centuries unfolding cyclical wheels of life — x’s painted on the corpses head, angelic dovetail’s binding forth miraculous and ethereal self-realized, self-appointed gurus — self-actualized and apathetic purposeful playtime’s favorite drumming beats, aberrations theme song embodiment and apotheosis self-proclaiming divination and mockery of the human condition.

Know Thyself Heal Thyself left unknowing eternal Tao’s akashic records stored for safe-keeping — a pulse on non-attachment to all things, reality itself — binding us to free-flowing stepping in and out of the Canvas’ painted wonder and awe.

Inspirited self-traveled in and out of possibility, upper realms lowered with arrival’s favorite steed-inherited by yesterday’s medicinal practitioners — in ancient arts, creative imagery of belief in heartfelt transference — shift from shadowy light escaping truths, leaving us with ye olde English “Home is where you hang your hat.”

~ Ani Po

I began with two differing prompts, but headed in a one eighty direction creating a life in its own self-written reality. Whether fiction or non-fiction, real or made up bat-shit crazy make believe, there is a key that unlocks doorways to unseen — never-before discovered galaxies found at the center of all universes, initiates heartfelt response to what may or may not be the illusion of all everything.

Thank you both, J.D. Harms and Darshak Rana for the original prompts, clearly the combination of the two was not meant to be but new direction created within plain-sight.

Thank you Diana C. and the whole KTHT family for taking the time for inward diving, darkened shadowy light shedding truths — experiential and experimental understandings written upon our own hearts — not without pain and suffering, but greatest our rewards.

Much gratitude for those who take time to read, ponder and allow the inner workings of self to come forward. Grateful for the feedback, love shared, and more importantly the Dance with Inspiration. Deep Peace.

Joseph Lieungh

Photo by Javardh on Unsplash

It is Time: Awaken Children of the All

Poem on awareness

It Is Time

Awaken children of the All

Photo by John Fowler on Unsplash

As we sit quietly in our daily space of whatever and what-maybes, we see a finite reality created by our daily grind. So consumed by this and that, burying us in fear and anger — further dividing us in judgmental thoughts and hate for neighboring townships or persons.

We think that our town only extends to the boundary lines, while another continues. We think this land extends only to the boundary waters of our island. We think our atmosphere only extends to an exosphere boundary.
Expanding thought, we are expanding our knowledge of daily space.

Searching the boundary waters, outer atmospheric levels, or diving deep into the core of Mother Earth, we find we are still there. It is through our search we find that we have arrived.

Giving up the search, we shall never know how far our boundaries reach, remaining static and buried in our own darkened dwelling place.

The earth does not stop at the water’s edge; it is merely continued in a different form. Similarly, the atmosphere extends beyond the strato, meso, thermo and exospheric layers. “We are all one” is not limited to a planetary thought either — it extends beyond the nakedness of our eyes, the magnitude of a Hubble or the like, going as far as the ‘mind’s eye’ can reach.

As a man thinketh, so is she. Breath in a gift of life; breathe out that gift in return. We are here to change the world; we are here to make a difference — it begins at the level of self. It is time.

~Ani Po

Much gratitude for those who take time to read, ponder and allow the inner workings of self to come forward. Grateful for the feedback, love shared, and more importantly the Dance with Inspiration. Deep Peace.

Joseph Lieungh

Photo by Javardh on Unsplash