Passing of Morning’s Dew

Passing of Morning’s Dew

Foul and Wretched Stench of Life’s sweetest Memories

Image taken by Author. At 17,453 feet above sea level, my thoughts wander and sing

Like a ton of bricks — smacked upside the head — little understanding of how another’s perceptual thought of self-centered reality humbly walked their talk. Accusations fly — entering atmospheric pressures from outer realms of far most galaxies — three possibilities for processing claim.

Head mind captures thought — spinning its web — carrying voices into canyons echoing songs. Here we remain — singing darkened disparity without clarity of knowing all there was.

Heart singing — transmuting energetic reality — giving birth to yet another new galaxy — painting another picture in the canvas of life — fleeting thoughts carried winds. Pooling ardor — tumultuous cyclonic winds — burning wildfire-like presence, are waiting to transform.

Deeper into cosmic inner realms — digesting collective belief — waiting for the passing of another sun’s foul stench passing through another town — sweet memories of who we were, rejoicing on where we sit. Rooted in ancient tongue — darkened sludge sticking a thousand voices chattering about.

The first two verses teasing realities clear — left with bug splatter on the hooded ride to nowhere in particular — car washing of excessive spattering thought externally received — processing commences one way or another — twisted turns, tunnels exiting tune.

Darkened thought enters
bringing terror and fear


Change of movement as such
distraction self-fleeting way


Happy for a second
a cyclical roller coaster of sort

Sitting quietly instead
allowing thoughts
comfortable passing

Be still

Listen, heart calls thy name
canvas empty
awaiting special touch

Paint thine heart true
filling Canvas’ void


Flowing naturally as it was
what was
now is
It is so.

~Ani Po

Ray Charles speaking words of wisdom, singing to our hearts in time of darkened energies — there will be an answer — Let it Be.

This piece is a continuation of my last piece, Fleeting Thoughts, processing energies hold and awareness of such that I sit with, sing-along or allow it to pass through deeper realms.

Our ability to process the world around us either gets passed through the head mind, hearts processor clear, or a deep-rooted passing of energies — leaving a foul but sweet memory of who we are.

Would love to hear what comes to mind when reading this piece. 

Much gratitude for those who take time to read, ponder, and allow the inner workings of self to come forward. Grateful for the feedback, love shared, and, more importantly, the Dance with Inspiration. Deep Peace.

Joseph Lieungh

Photo by Javardh on Unsplash

When Told We Have To

When Told We Have To

‘Should’ or ‘Should Not’s’ in an Ever-Confusing World

Photo by Victor He on Unsplash

Author’s sharing wisdom — how they overcame
perilous countless bouts
of confusion brought on the finger-pointing thieves
robbing us from our thoughts transmuting.

Seeking answers — abounding with more doubt
self-inflicting shame brought on
by the neighboring sons
telling us what we ought to do.

Left in darkness — own self-judging
riddled disbelief — afraid to write our wrongs
because ‘they’ said it was the way
to freedoms ringing sounds.

Discourse — shambled wardrobes
of dishevelled rags falling
from the shouldered truths
terrorizing our inner phobias, false spatting reality.

Arrival — timely knowing
peaceful road walked — self-guided
journey before, after and unknown destination
defining the only fear is that of itself.

Marking the waters of change — no longer
clouded visions of the collective whole
worlds spinning timelessly, relentlessly
capturing attentive gaze.

Spreading wings — Uroboros devouring
beginning and ends of the cyclical belief
as to how one should be
in this world, but not of it.

For those who speak — of have to
and should do’s, we thank you for
opinions mattering not the path before us
but the Canvas is creating all around.

Stepping into time — undetailed existence
giving forth — new realities daily occurrence
unknown terminus departure
the arrival of one’s true home.

~Ani Po

Much gratitude to those who dare to travel alone, doing what is right for them and them alone. Listening not to the naysayers or all-knowing sorts telling us what we ought to do, instead writing their world into existence.

Thank you to the author’s who dare to come together in sacred fashion, as THE WATERPLACE depicts in this gem Mother’s Earth and David Rudder for his selfless sharing of wisdom Circumspect.

Often when writing, with noise canceling headphones, a song finds itself on loop. Here is today’s loop petal accompanying this piece. 

Written with pen name Ani Po, not limited to the author but an open invitation ‘to all’ in knowing ‘I am here.’

Much gratitude for those who take time to read, ponder, and allow the inner workings of self to come forward. Grateful for the feedback, love shared, and more importantly, the Dance with Inspiration. Deep Peace.

Joseph Lieungh

Photo by Javardh on Unsplash