Heed the Message Behind the Feeling

Heed the Message Behind the Feeling

Remaining resolute, taking a warrior’s stance in life

Photo by Xuan Nguyen on Unsplash

Into the bowel of hell’s entryway, thickened tar lingering in airs not-so-cooling winds, cramping, buckling over at day’s opening song. Tension standing off in corner’s edge, badgered claws ready for piercing thews.

Differing from a clouded haze, once before, eyes glossing over from previous encounters with vampires and demons sucking every last drop of wine and energetic fluids heeding life’s answering mysterious skirmish bidding of front-line look to future’s hold. Deep breath, fuck it, we are commanding peace and collaboration, entering lion’s den with no aid from Daniel, the lion tamer.

Lacking protection from smacking whips or chairs taunting lioness’ mane, stepping into self-reconciliation afterward facing enemies secondary glimpse of what may come of day. All eyes on the self-proclaiming warrior, villains were seeking ways to trip, hand on the magic button, setting off atomic bombs-failing attempts at taking life.

Heroes journey inward gaze, inner peace outwardly scattering throughout the fields; planted seeds, on fertile and non-alike, waiting for the bounty of harvest and champion’s wishful thinking. Knowingly and full-on-recognition of blood-curdling screams silently slicing at the jugular and vital units.

Straight into battle, front-line access to the self-awakened reward, head spinning from a vibratory mismatch of altering frequencies and rip-roaring charges by the others, trooper dropping in. Challenge accepted vial and vagrant beings attacking random bystanders, the twinkle of the whole bloody universe emanating from the intensified gaze.

Transient management or life-altering occasional sharpening sacred sword of truth, matters not but whispering smiles of ten thousand riding equestrians with blades sheathed like none before. Galloping pace, hooves never touching the ground, dumbfounded and stunned are they, never before seen on T.V.

This is the moment we’ve been waiting for, coliseums applauding at gladiator’s triumphant risk taking down the beast without ever shielding and sword. Breathing yet again lifetimes of ancestral beatings, healing traumatic wavering potent at ease as if all of the zodiac housing in the tenth.

Not for the faint of heart, ignorant to jack and beam’s drowning, through own self-dismemberment, all tools were at hand. Never stood a chance, never have they seen it coming, never would they believe it was all their own doing. It is done. The Weaver spinning entangled webs, inescapable-they never had a chance.

~ Ani Po

Photo by Flash Dantz on Unsplash

It began with a single prompt, Day 28 of a 30-day challenge, then an apparent contradiction appeared as a one, followed by inspiring two. I intended on sitting with them and allowing one or two to jump forward, but then a web of sorts swallowed them whole. Weaving them all into one, finishing with an entangled web.

Thank you, Diana C. and J.D. Harms, for continued inspiration and keeping a space for me at the table. Here are the original prompts if you wish…

Much gratitude for those who take time to read, ponder, and allow the inner workings of self to come forward. Grateful for the feedback, love shared, and more importantly, the Dance with Inspiration. Deep Peace.

Joseph Lieungh

Photo by Javardh on Unsplash

Overcoming the Trials and Obstacles

Overcoming the trials and obstacles

Dewdrops and promise of morning’s kiss

Photo by Hansjörg Keller on Unsplash

Frozen in time, uncertainties binding hold
like peeling paint notwithstanding
acrylic and oils troublesome bond
unpleasant sounds of self-doubt
overwhelming tune of Thomas whispering
antagonistic projecting words; Thor’s
hammer pinning us to grounds of misery.
Bursting bubbles, champagne cause for celebration
trapped in a dark room with no door
windows closer to the outside possibility of knowing
real or untrue; hesitation moving forward
baby steps becoming giant leaps
for self and collective sea of loving thought.
Kicked to the curb, gentle parts speed-bag-like
effecting, transferring psychosomatic response;
giving thanks for lessons on daffodils
and ground-breaking painful and once dormant truth.
Nights bidding, promises of mornings kiss
sunlit gazing star, reflecting once broken
eternally healed with a single dewdrop in.

~ Ani Po

Photo by Gary Yost on Unsplash

This piece is another attempt to fuse the prompts from two favorite publications: Know Thyself Heal Thyself and Literary and Literary Impulse. Day 26 of 30-Day poetry challenge and two differing but equal in turn. One discusses the overcoming of the trials while the other invites us to look deeper into the meaning.

Much gratitude for those who take time to read, ponder, and allow the inner workings of self to come forward. Grateful for the feedback, love shared, and more importantly, the Dance with Inspiration. Deep Peace.

Joseph Lieungh

Photo by Javardh on Unsplash