Heart-Filled Return

Giving thanks for another day. The Steps we took along the beach, through the wilderness, sacred space of hearts.
Giving thanks for the encounters, conversations and new people welcomed into our circles.
Giving thanks for another opportunity awaiting us at birthing of another sun.
Looking to the setting sun, moons mirrored love, asking for a Heart-filled return.
~Ani Po

Witnessing the Canvas

Wherever you are, wherever you may be, a new song or story awaits your creative tune. Connecting with heart, connecting with All there Is…it is as So.
Whether traveling to another continent, village or neighboring town, there’s a story-line awaiting your attentive ear. Sharing in this sacred space allows one to commune with the fabric woven in and out of this Canvas.
We listen, we tune our heart, we sing a familiar tune. Once foreign now a part of our story, we share in its healing whisper for other souls.
We are safe, we are sacred as the ground walked upon. As Wholly and Holy as it was in beginning times.
We sing this new song for self, for family, community and there on…healing steps for future selves.
Listen, tune in, sing from Hearts beautiful melody. Witnessing the Canvas, infusing intent…it is So.
~Ani Po
Artist Unknown