Testing a Person’s Will

Life has many ways of testing a person’s will, either by having nothing happen at all or by having everything happen all at once.~Paulo Coelho

Ever notice when we have nothing to do we can drive ourselves crazy? Is it guilt? Do we feel we must be doing something with our spare time? Can we grant ourselves permission to just be and sit quietly with nothing to do. In doing nothing we are still doing something.

Ever notice when the ‘shit hits the fan’ it all hits the fan at one time? As soon as we get busy, everything wants our undivided attention! We have a busy day at work, no lunch and no breaks, the phone rings of the hook with more questions that need answering. We feel as though we are going to break at any moment and that is usually when our children step into the picture…looking for our undivided attention. Pop…we lose it. Why?

Are both related? or separate issues? I feel they are both interrelated. If we are conditioned to be ‘busy’ at all times then we feel we have to remain busy. During the busy-ness of the day we are challenged as to how we can add more to our day versus discerning that boiling point and knowing when we are done for the day. Which way would keep from having meltdowns?

Stepping into the Canvas simply allowing. Allowing nothingness to fill our days or busy-ness to do the same. No matter the scenario we shall remain in peace and joy, giving more thanks for the Canvas of Life.


Magnanimous People

Magnanimous people have no vanity, they have no jealousy, and they feed on the true and the solid wherever they find it. And, what is more, they find it everywhere.~Van Wyck Brooks

With gratitude in our hearts we look not into short comings of life but blessings of such, not down on people but lift them up, not at the darkened clouds but rainbows which follow. Foreseeing lack we merely confirm lack within the canvas, witness abundance and it will forever flow.