Positive Living

While it is true Positive cannot exist without negative, we do not have to remain in negative. Too often we fall victim to the trap of negativity around us and remain in self-pity. Suffering will always exist, but does not mean we have to dwell in negativity. It is as easy as changing our thoughts from negative to positive – similar to that of a light switch. Throw the switch now.

Too often We hear positive messages and immediately think, “yeah if you only knew my situation.” While it is true we do not know what another is experiencing, we can have compassion for them. At the same time they do not know what we are going through. A relative posted on Facebook, “If we threw all of our troubles into a pile and asked to pick a problem from the bucket we surely would pick our own, once viewing the others problems.”

Our perception dictates how we see the world around us. We can choose to see negativity or positivity that surrounds us daily. An example of this is our daily weather report. One network toots rain and gloom for the next few days, while the other boasts sunny and beautiful. Clearly it is one perception versus the other. I often will ask patients for the weather report, engaging in small talk, and depending on the network they watch or even their own perception of how the days will unfold will tell me how their perception of the day will be.

Further, their thoughts can influence my thoughts if I allow them too. If I choose to allow this, I too fall victim to negativity. Choose to listen only to the Positive weather report for that perception or reality we want to live. This is not living in a false belief system, for either way we look at things is correct….I merely choose positive side of things or as Carlos Castaneda discusses “The Active Side of Infinity.”

Where do you want to align?