Home Sweet Home

Home Sweet Home…is wherever the heart resides.~Ani Po

Just getting back from a family trip to Tennessee. While the trip was amazing, with its waterfalls, spelunking and nature hikes through some beautiful country, the return was just as amazing. It is a strange feeling one gets upon arrival home, anticipating sleeping in their own bed…or whatever joys await.

Why is that? Not quite sure, nevertheless it is a good feeling.

Maybe it is where the heart resides? The safety of ones own home, filled with memories and love?! For me, it is a feeling paralleled with anticipation of going on a trip. Like a little child awaiting that great adventure! This same child returns happily where the heart resides.

Stepping into the Canvas with a Heart filled with Joy. With every step, every breath, anticipation of a new adventure into the great Canvas before us. Wherever we may go, the feeling follows us…and upon our return it happily tags along…

home sweet home