
Within our family there are those who paint a brighter picture and those who splatter upon our Canvas.~Ani Po

Whether immediate family or global family, we learn valuable lessons. Directly and indirectly we come to an understanding of the self and others. We choose which to follow and those we choose to excuse…both valuable in our personal growth.

There have been countless lessons in my own life which I chose to follow my own heart. While some lessons impact my life in a positive way, the others…not so positive… also played an impacting part in my growth. Through indirect lessons of truth, I am given opportunities to stay true to my heart. If something does not resonate, I simply say ‘no thank you.’

We all have these in our own families, but we have them on a global canvas of life. We can choose to follow the lead of destruction or we can create a better place for the self. Creating a blissful place within, we emanate outward into the world.

Stepping into the Canvas embracing direct and indirect lessons of life. Giving thanks for this who make a positive impact on our lives, we give thanks to those who oppose our happiness. In the end it is our own destiny to find peace within…loving and accepting all as a beautiful addition to this place within the Canvas.

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