Guarding Against Toxic People

As I write this today, I build a barrier against all negativity. While it is very easy for one to get knocked over by those filled with negativity, it is very difficult to remain positive. The choice does remain with us…The self.

We can allow negativity to descend into our being or we can allow it to go. As I write to you today I emerge from the steam-room, clearing my head of toxic thoughts as the toxins pour out through my pores. I would be a liar to say that I am not affected by the negativity, but I am human. What do you do to remove these toxic energies that come into your being with or without your permission? How do you handle the negative people around you? Even when their strength is greater than yours?

Writing is one way of dealing with negativity, hence my writing you today about toxic behavior. Writing allows us to remove the negative thoughts, apply them to paper and then allow them to freely go on their way. There are other ways as well: steam-room to clear your head, go to a ball game, ride a roller coaster, or whatever else makes you feel good. The idea…is to feel good.

This is not an escape or running away in fear. Quite the contrary! This is about you removing yourself from negative situations and remaining positive. At the end of the day it will be…’just another day,’ how we fill that day is how it shall be defined.

What if the negativity comes from a loved one who is very close to us? How do we keep from getting negative ourselves or feel that we’re being attacked? The secret is to remain positive, staying true to who we wish to be. We can help them, pray for them, lend a hand when possible, but we must remain guarded in peace. Let their choice of being negative remain with them and your choice to be positive grow abundantly.

Stepping into the Canvas positively positive. Remaining guarded by all toxic behavior or persons, we emerge victorious in positivity. Staying positive, raising our natural vibration to that of love, we emit pure vibrations of more Love. Guarded by negativity, we are filled with eternal Love, emitting more Love to whomever and whenever necessary.