Creatures Of Habit

I would be a liar to say I don’t get upset when my days are altered. With daily routines, rituals, and patterns that bring peace to my being, it doesn’t take much for the human side to be thrown off course.

Recently at the local gym the steam room goes out, causing great distress on its members. Trying to overcome the fear of not being able to meditate, clear my head, or just be…emitting toxins from my body, I recognize my angst of not being able to use the steam. In my angst I look to another gym, hoping they’ll allow me to use their facility for a week. To my surprise their steam room is out as well. The irony here is not so much that the steam rooms are both out, but that I have found anxiety in something so small.

With our busy days, busy schedules, it is very easy to get knocked off course. Easy to get knocked off our course of peace, love and compassion. When our day is complete…work is done. We must tap into our reserves…especially when there may be young ones waiting for us at home. They do not care about the mundane schedule, the busy day, or the many difficulties endured…all that matters to them is you are home. Your undivided attention…that is all they seek. Dig deep, give them everything you have. Change your schedule, check the emotions at the door. They grow up so quickly! Ask any parent as they will say, “spend every moment with them…they grow up too fast!”

So instead of the steam room, I retreat to nature once again. There are many alternatives to finding peace and quietude. Nature can play a key role in finding peace…20 minutes per day is equal to a whole week retreat.

During my self discovery, I uncover more growth opportunity. I discover that even though I am calm and at peace, there are moments that still bring angst into my day. I am okay with this as I grow forward. My wish for you today is…whatever troubles you, whatever brings angst in your day, may you sit with it, embrace it, and allow it to grow into something brighter.

The irony to my lesson was that as soon as I released the angst of what I thought should be my plan, the steam room miraculously was fixed.

Stepping into the canvas with new light. As our habits become old, we acquire habits of new. Whatever troubles you through the day, bring thanks to your being, let it go…and trust that all is good. Stepping with our own angst, we begin walking in a new light. Have a glorious day and may your day be filled with new habits of Love and Light.