Building New Habits

Well, we are one week into the New Year and already the local workout facility is getting thinner numbers. About a week before the new year, gym enthusiasts began to increase. During the week of the new year it was difficult to get on favored equipment. One week…One Week and people are already giving up or making excuses not to go to the gym. What is it that you truly want? Do you want to get in shape?

The first step to meeting our new year’s resolution: make a conscious effort to go to the gym. Second step: actually go. Third step: (is supposed to be) looking for ways to maximize your goal of getting in shape. Unfortunately, ninety-five percent of us humans think step three is: find a reason to not go. I can’t get up that early, I have to take the kids to their events, I am too busy, the list goes on. The truth of the matter is this…you are the most important person in your life. Why would you not make time for you? OK, if your kids are the most important…I get that…what good are we as parents, if we are not in shape to keep up with our kids? Make the time!

I am not here to beat anyone or call them a failure if they do not go to the gym. Actually, this article was not meant to be about going to the gym, it just channeled that way. What I am here to tell you is this…don’t go. If you are making excuses not to go, then you must not want to go…don’t go. If it causes you more misery…then…don’t go. However, if you truly want to…then make the time. Start re-arranging your day, making time for you. Build new habits that revolve around your well-being. The reason for this discussion is to create a life we were meant to live…one of happiness. If we are not happy then we need to clean house, re-arrange our schedule and fill it with things that make us feel good. If getting into shape is important to you, but the gym creates more stress for you…try getting outside, losing yourself in the many splendors the Canvas of Life has to offer.

Whether it’s a fitness goal, work related goal or a spiritual goal, we all have excuses not to do them. Stop making excuses and listen to the voice that keeps popping up…”I really need to do …that.” You know what”that” is don’t you. For me…I know I need to meditate more…so it is necessary for me to begin a daily practice again. For homeostasis to return within my being, I know that clearing daily clutter is important…releasing it to the Universe.

Prayer is said to be like speaking to God.

Meditation is waiting for His reply.


I am my biggest roadblock and chances are you are your own. Why not change that by asking yourself…”What do I really want?” Then answer it by taking action. Make an action plan, change your habits…but then stick with them for the habits to stick. Habits do not become habit-forming unless we make them our daily habits. It is also proven that we must do something for up to twenty-one times in order for the habit to take hold.

Stepping into the Canvas with a new habit, allowing it to take form. Imagining what it would be like that which we most desire, giving thanks without judgment of our imperfections or our stumbling. See ourselves in a brighter light, removing shadows of doubt…and submersing oneself in the Canvas. We really needn’t do anything, but if we choose…try looking at the Canvas from a different angle…from within.