Adding A Little More Color To The Canvas

Life would be pretty boring if everybody walked around in greys and blacks. What if everyone stopped wearing bright or exotic clothing, choosing more bland or drab clothing? It is same with our emotions. If we all chose to remove the emotions within our lives, life would be pretty boring. However emotions can also get us into trouble.

Granted those who are able to remove emotions from life are able to find self-mastery that much quicker. It is our emotions the trip us each and every time. We trip, we stumble, and we hold our own pity party. How we embrace these falls can either strengthen us or keep us down… is up to the self.

Mastering our emotions we arrive at a place of self-mastery, allowing us to live a more harmonious and syncrosensational life. What if, what if everyone mastered their emotions? Would this place be boring? Or would things get done more quickly, more efficiently?
Some cultures actually wear black and gray and white clothing. Very drab, very plain…and this is their norm. They work from sun up to sundown, providing service. Do you think they might be unhappy? Do you think they wish their life was different? Maybe so, but I am certain that most of them are happy majority of the time. At first glance, their facial expressions are very plain like that of their clothing, displaying very little emotions. On the surface plain…on the inside…lit up like a Christmas tree…happy as can be…happy they provide service.

While on a retreat, retired sisters of the Catholic Church and their emotionless expressions on their face send a mixed message. Perplexed by their displayed sadness I asked them, “are you happy?” Confused by the question, one Sister replied, “just because we do not show happiness upon our faces, does not mean we are not happy. Our service belongs to the Lord and we take our job very seriously.”

Just because an individual appears to be unhappy does not mean they are. Similarly, those who appear happy are not necessarily happy. So where is the answer? It lay within each and everyone of us. Depending on our roles in life, will depict our seriousness or playfulness. Whatever the case, happiness is an individual issue. Are you happy? Does you resting face display happiness or sadness? Are you unhappy but show happiness?

The key to happiness is not in what others think we should or should not be, but on how or what we feel in life. Happiness rests wherever our heart is. Work hard or play hard, either way rely only on your own internal feeling of happiness. If you are happy, keep doing what you are doing; if not, maybe it is time for change? We are born to be happy, not the opposition.

Stepping into the Canvas with happiness as our guide. Whatever our situation, let happiness be our guide. If our given situation is bringing us down, look within our hearts for solutions leading us towards happiness. The Canvas of Life is a playground for us all…enjoy it. whether we find happiness in work or play, it is up to us to create our own happiness. Is it time for change? Is it time to expand on our new-found freedom of happiness? Whatever ever the case…the responsibility is ours. Look not to others for the answers, but seek their guidance. Look not to others for the answers to life, but seek the appropriate answers paralleled with our reality. The Canvas is our playground…if life has become to serious…maybe it is time for a change. The time is now… to Have a happy day!