The Visitor

Short story| Feelings from the week

The Visitor

Meerkat’s unexpected exchange

Photo by Pauline Bernfeld on Unsplash

Meerkat has been expanding her habitat further and further, making further connections with other meerkats and animals alike. Digging a larger hole to call home, with multiple entrances and exits to a centered place with sixteen feet to roam.

Alone, although the community is always there, the Meerkat wonders why nobody has come to her aid. Now sick, with trouble breathing. Drowning in her thoughts, Oljita arrives in the form of another meerkat.

What is it, sister? Why the sudden exclusion of others?

I have given my last breath away, and I am unsure I have any left.

My dear sister, we are connected to the Great Spirit, the breath of all breaths. Our thoughts are with All There Is, and we need only sit with our thoughts, thanking them for wisdom come. 

I can’t. I fear I have nothing more.

As Meerkat spoke the last word, Oljita transformed into a Dragon’s form.

Dragon speaks:

You have given your last breath in these lungs of yours. Now I will remove that which no longer serves. With these new lungs, there is an unlimited breath for you to share amongst your people and others alike. 

With a mighty swipe, Dragon clawing out the remains of pruning bags of deflated hope — breathes a cleansing, sealing breath for all days to come. Purifying the space, taking his lungs and placing them into the purified space of Meerkat.

With a sealing breath, Dragon breathes a prayer of unlimited strength, unlimited resources, and everlasting belief in All There Is.

With this new day, we will tighten our circle. Serving all, without depletion of self, but knowing when to enter this sacred space of All There Is. With time, sacred space, this moment in time, our being expands to unceasing prayer throughout the day.

But what have I learned?

A songbird sings because a songbird sings. Likewise, a giver gives because a giver is a part of something greater — sorting through the depleting thoughts, focusing on an unlimited resource, our footing takes us where we need to go. With time, we will know where our attention flows.

Sitting with my own, hearing similar stories of others, we honor these depleting thoughts. Drained beyond oblivion, left with no thoughts but I am All There Is.

Breathing for the first time, and many more just like before. New life, new expansion, new understanding.

 Greater is the will, greater is the Breath of Life. As I am here, Meerkat is there. Together we learn, together we grow.

Thank you Marilyn Glover, and the whole Third-Eye-Gypsy family, for holding this sacred space.

Much gratitude for those who take time to read, ponder, and allow the inner workings of self to come forward. Grateful for the feedback, love shared, and, more importantly, the Dance with Inspiration. Deep Peace.

Joseph Lieungh

Photo by Javardh on Unsplash