Expect a Miracle

This past week I was reminded of daily miracles that present themselves each and every day. While I know they are present, I often fail to take time to give thanks for the miracles present and those which are already on their way.

This miraculous reminder came in the shape of a business card with these words inscribed…”Expect a Miracle.” This business card came as a surprise when opening a package that was anxiously awaited for. Thinking I was getting one thing, I received that much more. This message was such a beautiful reminder to self and others around me…that when we expect a miracle to arrive, it surely arrives on time.

Stepping into the Canvas expecting a miracle. When we open ourselves to this miraculous Canvas of LIfe, in awe we are amused and amazed at the timely events and things that arrive on Divine timing. So, just for today, Expect a Miracle…it is on its way…
