Shifting Global Realities

Shifting Global Realities

Taking stock in Self

Photo by Tobias Tullius on Unsplash

Sitting in a reflective minute — contemplating our arrival — varying choices — altered steps — even magic carpet rides leading to this juncture. Gathered in thought — retracing broken roadways — forks in the cobblestone — uneven till smoothen trail.

Place and time — eminent arrival — broken wings dragging us by turnips handled khaki and the world’s day-to-day cacophony. Focus ahead — bumpy roads or graded centuries of empty wants — Canvas of Life painfully birthing perfection in an imperfect world.

Preachers — Gurus — tooting horned songs of dogmatic belief — basing reality on rituals — beliefs in stone-age wisdom no longer serving self or highest good. Nothing more to be — acceptance and being one with the present moment — right or wrong to the others — breathing in the morning sun and westerly winds.

Personally living in conflict — who or what is right or wrong — finding a deeper cavern of knowing — which has laid dormant for centuries, maybe lifetimes of bowing to the wisdom of the sleepers not yet awakened.

Turmoil — integrating the outer and inner worlds — coexisting within the Canvas of Life — turning to harmonious self and worldly understanding.
Taking stock in self — fully present within space and time — noting alignment and imbalance of daily practice. Aligned with innermost thought — balancing night and day — inner and outer — shedding skins of old newsprint in yesterday’s papers.

Great pause — breathing life according to hearts calling — adopting gentler footsteps upon this pavane way. Sacred space claimed once again — untainted by the misguided brushstrokes of ancestral mishappening — charging once again — creating a Canvas fit for all there is.

Self-actualization’s arrival — sacred presence emanating peace and love. All things sacred — becoming — every step henceforth — We are healed, We are whole, We are Holy, We are one. 

Healing of self — integrating balance between inner and outer realities — seeing all with Divine Sight. Sounding creation flowing through — a deeper presence of cosmic accordance — We are healed, We are whole, We are Holy, We are one.

Healed through self-healing thoughts — with the world continuing its spin — healing all our daily encounters.
Transmuting self — outliers of once before — a metamorphosis of global consciousness growing — paradigm shifting realities — We are Healed.

We are healed, We are whole, We are Holy, We are one.

~Ani Po

Thank you Zay Pareltheon, Marilyn J Wolf, Viraji Ogodapola, Samantha Lazar, Wry Welwood, Paroma Sen, and the whole Scrittura family for sharing in dance.

Thank you Wry Welwood, for this prompt. Trying to remove the clichés, deliberately, as I re-write to soften J.D. Harms gaze, with his ever-reminding song to remove the cliche — Thank you brother!

Much gratitude for those who take time to read, ponder, and allow the inner workings of self to come forward. Grateful for the feedback, love shared, and, more importantly, the Dance with Inspiration. Deep Peace.

Joseph Lieungh

Photo by Javardh on Unsplash