Saturday Morning Visitors

Saturday Morning Visitors

Friendships lasting forever

Photo by Benoit Gauzere on Unsplash

She was dying on our patio, falling over with eyes crusted shut — breath was short, and life slipping away.

I asked Great Spirit what can be done. Great Spirit said, “sit with her, comfort her.”

So I sat with her, listening to her shortened breath fading away. Unable to stand, falling over with every attempt — making a final cry, “I don’t want to be alone.”

Couldn’t resist and scooped her into my hands. Holding warmly next to my heart. I sang to her, reminding her of the songs she used to sing. Tears flowing as I sang her familiar and familial tunes…spilling tears of love onto my dearest friend.
Her eyes opened, startled at love shared in a singular drop. Barely able to sing in harmony, gaining strength and Spirit of a song — once again singing through.

Sitting up, gazing deeply into my eyes — she ended her tune with a joyous echoing sound — and took flight.

Did not see her for a week til joining me for coffee that following Saturday morning. With gratitude in her eyes, mirrored — transformed gratitude placed upon my heart.

Gratitude for life, friendship, and joyous songs of life.

Every Saturday morning, she visits — often sitting in front of our patio doors, but mostly sitting upon this hand-painted rock — reminding me of present purpose.

Such gratitude for her song, new breath, and a greater connection with this Canvas of life. I am grateful for the days we share, watching her peck away at the cracks in our patio for mealy worms or other things.

Two years have passed and her spirit flows through — sharing a new family with universal song, babies born — flown the coop with new verse to visitor’s song.

~Ani Po

Actual Saturday Morning Visitor taken by Author

Much gratitude for those who take time to read, ponder and allow the inner workings of self to come forward. Grateful for the feedback, love shared, and more importantly the Dance with Inspiration. Deep Peace.

Joseph Lieungh

Photo by Javardh on Unsplash