Returning to the Heart-beating Drum

Returning to the Heart-Beating Drum

Staying true to self-knowing and forgetting the rest

Photo by Justin Kauffman on Unsplash

Click, Click, Click
goes the beating beats
sounds of metal assaulting the wood
thoughts traveling from here to exoplanets
bantering of minds, clashing extremes
yes, I digress — not for any other reason to raise
awareness to other possibilities — broadening
the spectrum of thought in self.

Click, Click, Click
goes the beating beats
sounds of metal assaulting the wood
opposing forces interweaving a reality
fit for a King or Queen — they are not excluded
from the dysentery of fixating belief
in one way or the next — to me
it is about the expansion of consciousness
returning to the heart-beating drum.

Click, Click, Click
goes the beating beats
sounds of metal assaulting the wood
clashing wits and subtleties
grown tired of decaying, withering
breaking down words, isolating
Socrates allegoric site within the cave
chained and shackled to life’s painful miseries.

Click, Click, Click
goes the beating beats
sounds of metal assaulting the wood
hearing words of another chastising the next
Oljita holds the space for the collective — creative
willingness to freely move about the universe
in ways incomprehensible — not able
to put the finger on knowing what is
and whatnots, we return to the sounds
returning to the heart-beating drum.

~ Ani Po

Photo by “My Life Through A Lens” on Unsplash

Recently asked to do a collective prompt from an objective viewpoint, stretching my comfort level of writing. I tried to narrow down the idea posed but digressed as usual into the spinning of words, superfluous to the subject at hand. Met with opposition challenging me to narrow it down.

I could not for one simple reason — life is not finite, with millions and millions of possibilities. I am not one to be kept in a box, yet returning to my cave of solitude, leaving me labeled in categories of potential psychosis.

Comfortable in my skin — knowing where I am — who I hold space for future unraveling, returning to the sound of a tapping beat generated from a source flowing through vibratory channeling of a heart-beating drum.

Thank you Diana C. for in depth prompts, Frank Ontario for dancing and interweaving a collaborative role of possibilities, thank you An Idea for housing my thoughts.

Much gratitude for those who take time to read, ponder and allow the inner workings of self to come forward. Grateful for the feedback, love shared, and more importantly the Dance with Inspiration. Deep Peace.

Joseph Lieungh

Photo by Javardh on Unsplash