Level Up

Level Up

That feeling we get

Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

A thousand words were floating amuck
from dawn til dusk, stealing time if unchecked.
Sorting the dirty laundry, choosing gentle
or quick cycles to turn about.
Saturated, heavy weighting of the soul
configuring thoughts — drilling down to the bones.
Plucking feathers of aviary thought
or predatory intinction of reactionary and collective belief.

Accepting the pain bodies control
transmuted thoughts — lighter, freer
illuminated ways of bringing flickers
of hope into shadowed — shattered dreams.
Holding steady during tumultuous discord,
keeping steady is the way,
thin line walking between world accords.

Spark is the misery, joyful symphony
set into motion by another carrying a banner
charging the way with a reflective song
carried tune — we sing to the words floating thousands berzerk.

No resolution, intentions, or incantations
rejoice in the way, unfolding truths — not labeled
but categorized as other.

Free of judgment — humans pointing fingers
calling our name.
Recalling years in review, turmoil, tribulations,
rising, we are unstoppable.
Level up.

~Ani Po

Reflecting on the year and all its challenges, witnessing moments of leveling up — no longer reacting from old ways but new beginnings, higher grounds, set into motion with a sharpened gaze.

Reading resolutions, wondering where mine reside, I return to not having a resolution but a continuation of the betterment of self. Yana Bostongirl writes a piece that stops me in my tracks, reflecting on the past year. During my most challenging times, I rose to higher ground.

Looking to the upcoming year, not just seeing or imagining it, but feeling leveling up even more. So, to reply to Yana’s post, next year will be a year of greater Leveling up.

Level Up.

Much gratitude for those who take time to read, ponder, and allow the inner workings of self to come forward. Grateful for the feedback, love shared, and, more importantly, the Dance with Inspiration. Deep Peace.

Joseph Lieungh

Photo by Javardh on Unsplash