Illusory or Indubitable

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Photo by Elena Mozhvilo on Unsplash

Illusory or Indubitable
Perceived reality through past, present, and future selves

Past, present, future self-colliding within and without, thinking back to what was, resulting in what is and what may or may not come to be. That moment stepping out of darkness, wishing for brighter days, as if calling bluff to Creator’s nudge, entering brighter days illuminating peace within.

In and out of shadowy caverns, deeper conscious, subconscious, and super as it turns out, beginning with gardening 101, plucking weeds, thinning plants within our plot of fertile land, whispering deepest, innermost secrets, releasing these and many more, until no thought remains.


Alchemy 101, if there was such a titled course, negative thought entering a blackened phase, white and red, transmuted, returning whence it came. Fiery phoenix birthing out of the ashes, traveling to distant galaxies, searching for meaning, purpose, at will happenstance, similarities thus far and present near, returning home, centered Claddagh, self and all encountered souls.

What was unseen comes forth to visual light, an explosion of sense, mind-blowing understanding no longer in existence. Things are never what they seem, so we are told, uncertain as to our belief, clinging to what was given, handed down through the ages. Seeking deeper meaning, understanding of all things, this too a remedy for unhealed thought, broken bones, torn ligaments of soul, concussion pre baseline testing, familial trauma, ancestral, lineage work left undone.

One must answer these, not the next or another, alone or guided session entering our innermost alone, afraid of unearthing, mother’s release, gaseous senses dancing uncertainly, focusing on faith, hope and love, hearing this before, till embodying train of thought. Then it is so, heart cracks open two, expansive, vast, consuming cosmic supposition, final fragment thousand-piece puzzle, bled letting of all there is, filling returns All There Is.

Clarity, awakening, life’s metaphorical humorous approach, rhyming and lyrical, transposing images, realities upon the page, Canvas filled layers upon layers, awaiting interpretation, peeling autonomously through the next, slow and methodical, sifting, sorting millions of neuropathways, recreating new connections. Cutting power, working under Freddy Kilowatt’s expression, and pain may come, electrocutions possibility, proceeding cautionary tale, laughing at oneself, witnessing bare-bones, the nothingness of everything.


Pausing to tell the tale, nobody cares to hear
just one person remaining lost, desperation holds true
others may not, but this one cares to know
extended hand, do not let go.
Take mine; take yours
many masters walking this road before
we are not alone, cosmic proportions
dormant forces, faculties, coming alive.
Patanjali stating century of the eighth
wisdom, mythical or absolute
individualistic, self-inflicting possessiveness
made up, blowing smoke as usual.

It Just Is.

~Ani Po

Returning to what was, what may be, centered on this moment, layers removed, new growth await, illusory or indubitable, continuing down Great Mysteries road of self-actualization. Now what questionnaire response, the answer remains as it was in the beginning…Chop Wood, Carry Water.

Joseph Lieungh